Cleanse Your Colon By Mixing Flaxseed And Kefir

Eating well means ingesting the elements necessary to eliminate toxic substances and conserve nutrients. For this, flaxseed and kefir can be great allies.

The benefits of eliminating toxic substances from the body translate into a slim silhouette  and, also, unbeatable health. Consequently, it is advisable that you cleanse your colon by mixing flaxseed and kefir.

This mixture is very effective, although something unknown to all those people who are trying different natural remedies to solve ailments that, before, only thought possible through the consumption of medicines.

Therefore, today we are going to talk to you about the benefits of mixing flaxseed and kefir, and how this mixture helps you clean your colon. Are you ready to find out?

Benefits of mixing flaxseed and kefir



Although flaxseed is a product that has been discontinued for years, our grandmothers used it as a natural laxative. Its action is not immediate, so it allowed them to end constipation in a controlled way.

Thus, they did not have to interrupt their chores to take care of themselves. This is still a great advantage today.

Most of us have lives that require us to control the times to the fullest. Therefore, if you use this substance to cleanse your colon, the detoxifying process will be gradual and will adapt to your routine.

You can find it in the form of flour or oil. Traditionally, the oil option has been preferred. Not in vain did it offer you the possibility of taking it with a simple spoonful.

However, in this case we recommend the other alternative. You will find it in any herbalist, also called flax flour.


Of the two, this is the most unknown ingredient, although it is becoming more popular every day. Kefir is a unique food, since it is composed of non-pathogenic bacteria and yeasts.

Kefir cannot be taken alone, so ideally it is mixed with milk. The preparation is very easy, but you have to follow some very precise steps.

Don’t worry if you have a lactose intolerance or allergy, as kefir absorbs it. In case you want to forget about this issue, you can make it with coconut or almond milk.


Kefir is an amazing probiotic, and it also contains many minerals and vitamins. As if this were not enough, it provides us with live microorganisms that will settle in the intestines to invigorate them.

In this sense, by cleaning your colon by mixing flaxseed and kefir, you will get rid of toxins and unwanted remains, while increasing the strength of your flora. It’s worth it, right?

How to cleanse your colon by mixing flaxseed and kefir

To cleanse your colon using these two ingredients, we are going to develop a series of recipes that should be consumed during breakfast for 3 weeks.

After that period of time, our intestines will be free of toxins so that they continue to function normally. Let’s see, how to consume this mixture for 3 weeks:

  • First week : ½ glass of kefir (100 ml) and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour (10 g).
  • Second week : ½ glass of kefir (100 ml) and 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour (20 g).
  • Third week : ½ glass of kefir (100 ml) and 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour (30 g).

As you may have noticed, we are increasing the amount of flaxseed meal that we consume. Carrying out these breakfasts will be very important to cleanse our colon as it deserves.

Other considerations

To maximize the effectiveness of this natural remedy, we recommend that you start the day with a glass of warm lemon water.

Also, it is desirable that you drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily. With this, you will enhance the effect of the preparation.

Do not neglect your diet either. It is essential that your dishes are complete, that is, that they contain all the necessary elements to make up a complete and nutritious diet.

This includes sugars, which you can ingest through fruit. This provides a lot of fiber, so it will be great for you.

As it is a cure with a considerable duration, it is best to do it once every three months.

With this and a well designed diet it will be enough to cleanse your colon, keep your defenses in very good condition and feel light and energetic. Do you dare to perform this cleansing of your colon?

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