Delicious Recipes With Chicken

Many times it happens that we do not know how to prepare something as basic as chicken and we end up consuming it in the same way always. In order not to get bored, surprise our family or entertain our guests, we can get more than interesting ideas in the following article. Know the delicious recipes with chicken and cooking has been said.

Delicious recipes with chicken

1. Chicken broth recipe

It is a special starter for when it is cold or we are sick in bed. It is very simple to make and the ingredients are sure to be in your kitchen. For four servings you will need:

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 2 onions
  • 3 pieces of chicken
  • Water


  • Place a liter of water in a container and heat until it boils, pouring in a splash of olive oil.
  • Coarsely chop the vegetables and place in the water.
  • Add more water until all the vegetables are covered.
  • Cover and leave for 20 minutes. Add salt and taste that it is good.
  • Place the chicken pieces and a bouillon or cubed broth (optional).
  • Let it cook and rest for an hour.
  • You can consume by straining the vegetables and eating only the chicken.
  • The resulting liquid is added to soup noodles and you have another meal more.


2. Chicken croquettes recipe

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients (4 people)

  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 1 branch of parsley
  • 3 chicken thighs
  • 1 onion
  • 4 eggs
  • Flour or breadcrumbs


  • You have to chop the chicken as finely as possible.
  • Then place in a pan with a little oil, salt and pepper. When it is cooked, you reserve it.
  • In a separate container, place the peeled potatoes with water and cook for about 40 minutes, until they are very soft. Remember that you have to puree them so they better be more tender.
  • Let them cool a bit and tread well.
  • Put the onions to fry (some choose to also add garlic, pepper, carrots, etc.).
  • Once everything is golden, pour the chicken and simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Mix with the potatoes until everything is well integrated.
  • The next step is breading. To do this, beat the eggs in a bowl.
  • Make balls with the potatoes and chicken, pass through the egg and then through the breadcrumbs or flour.
  • In a frying pan that is not too hot, fry for two minutes on each side or until golden brown. To absorb excess oil, place on a plate lined with absorbent paper.


3. Recipe for chicken with tomato

For four people you need these ingredients:

  • 4 chives
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 clove garlic
  • the juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 green pepper
  • olive oil
  • peppers
  • Salt
  • skewers


  • Chop the chives and garlic into squares. The pepper is cut into strips. The chicken in cubes, which are left to marinate for two hours in the lemon juice and garlic.
  • For each skewer, place a cherry tomato, a piece of chives and a pepper.
  • Drizzle with oil and grill for 10 minutes until everything is tender.
  • Sprinkle with salt and paprika before serving.


4. Chicken recipe with chestnut puree

To make this delicious dish, entertain whoever you want at home and become an expert in the kitchen, you will need the following ingredients (for four people)

  • 1 whole chicken
  • Half Kg of chestnuts
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 endive
  • 3 dried apricots
  • 25 grams of currants
  • 4 prunes
  • 20 grams of peeled pine nuts
  • Refined corn flour
  • ¼ liter of evaporated milk
  • 150 ml of white wine
  • 1 tablespoon brandy
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Water
  • olive oil
  • vinegar
  • 1 piece of vanilla
  • parsley


  • Cut the layers of some chestnuts and cook them in water for 15 minutes to make it easier to peel them.
  • Then remove the peel and cook with evaporated milk and water, along with the vanilla branch, for 10 minutes. Go through the pisapure.
  • Besides, wash the endive and cut. Mix with the garlic that must be cut into thin slices. Dress with vinegar, salt and oil.
  • Chop the dried apricots and plums, mix everything in a bowl, along with the raisins and pine nuts. Season and add brandy.
  • The chicken is seasoned inside and out and the legs are tied. Oil is placed on top and baked for one hour at 180 ° C without opening the oven lid. Add the wine and water.
  • Let it cook well and at the end, the liquid is removed, which is mixed with corn flour and water, as well as the chopped parsley.
  • Pour over the chicken before serving. Place the pieces on the plates and accompany with the chestnut puree and the endive.


5. Beer chicken recipe

In order to make this delicious recipe, you need to have the following ingredients:

  • 1 whole chicken cut into medium pieces
  • 2 large chives
  • 1 can of beer
  • 1 small glass of cognac
  • olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  • Season the chicken and let it rest for about fifteen minutes.
  • Meanwhile, place a saucepan with oil over low to moderate heat, add the chopped onion until golden brown. Turn up the heat and place the chicken.
  • When it’s golden brown, pour in the drinks, first the beer and then the cognac.
  • Cook for half an hour, by that time the alcohol will have already been reduced and the chicken will be completely cooked (try that it is very tender).
  • A good accompaniment for this dish is white rice or mashed potatoes.

Chicken rice

Finally, we hope that these recipes with chicken are to your liking and that you are encouraged to prepare them at home. We are sure that your whole family will be delighted. Enjoy your meal!

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