Did You Know All This About Cheese?

Cheese is a complete food that can provide different nutrients to the body. Depending on its variety, it will provide some or other nutrients to a greater or lesser extent. Numerous studies and research show that cheese was already made in ancient Egypt.

It was in Europe that its consumption spread to become a popular food, and in the 19th century, in Switzerland, the first factory for the industrial production of cheese was opened. Do you want to discover interesting facts about this food? Join us.

Cheese, nutritional properties

Different types of cheeses

The nutritional properties of cheeses depend on the milk from which they are made, usually cow, goat or sheep milk. The fat in this milk mainly influences the taste of the cheese. However, according to data published in the book “Cheese: types, Nutrition and Consumption” , there are common properties to different types of cheeses:

1. Proteins and vitamins

As the cheese is rich in proteins of high biological value and vitamins A, D and group B, its presence in our diet is usually recommended. Of course, its consumption should be moderate, mainly due to its high fat content.

Its fat level is higher than that of milk (it can reach 70% fat, depending on its variety). In addition, it would be largely saturated fats, of animal origin, so it would not be recommended that people with cardiovascular diseases, and who are obese or overweight, consume it on a regular basis.

A report by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine indicates that milk and dairy products are the main sources of saturated fat in the diet (specifically in the United States), providing saturated fat that would increase cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.

2. Calcium and phosphorus

Cheese is a source of calcium and phosphorus, so it would have a positive effect on our bone structure.  Remember that doctors often advise the intake of calcium to maintain bone health and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

Likewise, the consumption of calcium would help the remineralization of the teeth, and would prevent cavities and dental diseases according to data from General Dentistry in 2013.

However, a study published in the British Medical Journal in 2015 found no direct relationship between regular, daily intake of dairy products and the prevention of fractures or good bone health. More studies on this are necessary.

Types of cheeses, choose yours

Cheese: choose the kind you like the most

According to information posted on Wikipedia cheeses are classified based on texture, production methods, duration of fermentation, fat content, and country of origin. Likewise, there are different types of cheeses:

  • Skimmed
  • Semi-skimmed
  • Semigrasos
  • Fatty
  • Extra fat

They can also be classified, according to the production process, into:

  • Fresh-whites: they are made by means of a process of curdling and dehydration of milk and they do not have staging or ripening. For this reason, they require refrigeration to 3 degrees. Its consumption is possible from the moment of completion of its production.
  • Matured or fermented: after their manufacture, they must be kept at a certain temperature that allows the necessary physical changes to be caused. They tend to have a high fat content and a more intense aroma.

We can choose to take one or another variety depending on its consistency –soft or hard cheeses-, or depending on the countries.

  • France: Brie, Camembert or Roquefort
  • Italy: mozzarella and / or parmesan
  • Switzerland: Emmental
  • England: Cheddar
  • Spain: Cabrales, Manchego or Burgos
  • Holland: Gouda or Edam.

How to consume it?

Depending on our tastes, we will choose one or the other, and can also take them alone, with bread, with jam or quince, accompanying salads and other dishes, melted and spread on toast, etc.

Of course, it is advisable to choose the healthiest class and pay special attention to the consumption recommendations. For example, adults are advised to eat a maximum of 30 grams a day, always opting for low-fat and low-sodium varieties.

Note : Consult your doctor about your cheese consumption if you suffer from overweight, obesity, hypertension or cholesterol. No one better than him will be able to advise you in this regard.

If you love cheese, we recommend that you opt for skimmed fresh cheeses, ricotta or fresh cheese on a regular basis , because they have a lower fat content and also provide vitamins and minerals. What did you think of these curiosities about cheese?

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