Did You Know That Excessive Hygiene Is Harmful To Health?

Today it is well known that everything in excess is bad. Now, what continues to surprise many is that excess hygiene is also detrimental to health. And because? Have not having good habits and a clean home always been the best thing to do?

“The cleaner, the healthier” most people used to say. How can they be wrong? Well, that is what we will see in greater detail below.

Loss of protection with excess hygiene

Natural remedies to increase defenses

Excess cleaning could cause the immune system to lose its functionality, since it is strengthened when it has to work to combat pathogens found in the environment.

When we clean too often, we lose part of our skin’s protective barrier, thus being at the mercy of many microorganisms. In short: we are exposing ourselves to being attacked by bacteria, viruses … that our immune system is unaware of.

In fact, a baby who is not allowed to touch the ground and who is kept in an excessively clean environment, will grow up with a weaker immune system and it will be more difficult to acquire the resistance necessary to fight certain diseases, such as something as simple as a cold.

Another disadvantage that comes with improper cleaning practice is getting pathogens to get used to products that are used regularly. Each time they will acquire greater resistance, and we will have to resort to new, much stronger products.

How does it usually affect?

sunscreen in babies

The parts of the body that can suffer the most are the skin and the respiratory system, especially in younger children. These, during their first year of life, should only bathe once a day, using water and a special soap for babies. If a soap is used for the baby’s bath, a very mild, neutral one should be preferred and not very often.

A very simple way to keep your skin healthy is to hydrate it and prevent it from being wet, keeping this recommendation in mind is much healthier than bathing several times a day.


excess hygiene at home

While it is true that the sum of a poor environment and lack of personal hygiene can promote various types of health problems (infections mostly), it is clear that the opposite pole can also have consequences on health. You have to learn to maintain a balance and avoid falling into extremes.

Both at the level of personal hygiene and the environment in which we operate, whether at home or at work, it is necessary to avoid cleaning beyond what is necessary, since there is a risk that the opposite effect will be produced. it is sought, which of course, is to maintain good health. Do not forget!

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