Discover The Importance Of Having A Medicine Cabinet At Home

Discover the importance of having a medicine cabinet at home and what it should contain so that you can always have it in case of accidents. Take aim!

There are things that we definitely cannot prevent, and it is that although we are the most careful, the truth is that accidents always happen and the only thing we can do before them is to be prepared. Now, what does it mean to be prepared? This is when we start talking about the existence and importance of the first aid kit.

Do you know where the idea for the medicine cabinet comes from? Well, the idea dates from Ancient Egypt. At that time, it was considered necessary to have a “saw box” that contained said tool to be able to cut bones when needed.

Later, the famous box with medical instruments became popular during the First and Second World Wars. It became a container capable of housing various  medicines and primary care materials, necessary to provide relief in case of wounds, hemorrhages or burns, among other emergencies.

Today, the first aid kit is a common tool in many homes. If you don’t have one at home yet, we’ll give you the direct reasons for having one, and we’ll also tell you exactly how to do it.

What is a medicine cabinet?

Remember that a first-aid kit is a case or suitcase of a small size, easy to move and light. Which means that in it we can only transport essential utensils at the time of a medical emergency.

What should our medicine cabinet contain at home

In view of this, we recommend the following. You must evaluate the importance and relevance of all the items that you put in the medicine cabinet. The case or briefcase should preferably be waterproof. Don’t keep it hidden. On the contrary, try to have it in view of any member of the family, but taking care that it is not within the reach of children.

Try to renew the medicines in the medicine cabinet every year, avoiding storing damaged or expired medicines or utensils. Likewise, try to renew everything you use so that you always have your medicine cabinet equipped.

Reasons to have a medicine cabinet at home

1. For prevention

As we have said before, accidents can happen at any time, so having a tool to help you out of a medical emergency becomes essential in any home. What we have just said is tripled if we have children at home.

This obviously occurs because children do not measure the consequences of their actions and, on the contrary, are only waiting to have fun, being they the ones who tend to have more accidents, falls, burns and injuries.

2. It can save lives

Another important reason to have a medicine cabinet at home is to prepare for natural disasters, such  as earthquakes or hurricanes. In these cases, the existence of a first aid kit may be able to save the lives of us and our families.

Having certain tools can make a big difference in extreme situations.


How to make an ideal medicine cabinet for the home?

    • Tweezers.
    • Alcohol.
    • Cotton.
    • Band-Aids.
    • Pair of scissors.
    • Droppers.
    • Antacids
    • Antipyretics.
    • Thermometer.
    • Latex gloves.
    • Wet toals.
    • Peroxide.
    • Tincture of iodine.
    • Tranquilizers.
    • Anti-inflammatories.
    • Sanitizing soap or gel.
    • A burn ointment.
    • Antiallergics or antihistamines.
    • Sterilized gauze and elastic bandages.
    • Syringes and needles (at least one or two).
    • Mask (at least one per family member).
    • And, of course, the telephone numbers of the emergency services.

In addition to the medications already mentioned, we recommend that in the event that a member suffers from a medicated illness, you add these medications to your first-aid kit. Each member can make their own first aid kit

Ideally, there is a first-aid kit at home that can help all family members. Although, it does not hurt that, if there are special needs in the family, prepare a basic kit and a separate one. These are some things that you can include in it taking into account all of the aforementioned:

    • A flashlight.
    • A change of clothes.
    • An updated map.
    • Matches or a lighter.
    • Nonperishable food.
    • A blanket to keep you warm.
    • And copies of your identification documents.

Also, if you have babies at home, it doesn’t hurt that we include certain special items for them. This section of the kit should contain at least  one change of diapers and a few more utensils for basic baby care. So now you know why it is important and what a medicine cabinet should contain.

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