Discover The Properties Of Three-year Tea

Do you know the three year old tea? This Japanese tea has become very popular recently. It is also known as kukicha and it is a mixture of teas.

Its flavor is unique and can also be beneficial to our health, due to the nutrients it contains. On the other hand, it hardly includes theine, so it can be taken by the whole family.

Discover in this article all the mysteries of this tea, as well as its multiple properties and how to prepare it. Take note!

The three year old tea

This tea is made by taking the twigs and leaves of bancha tea, another Japanese variety of green tea. This is harvested at three years, hence its name. Subsequently, the leaves and twigs are roasted, at which point they practically lose all the theine.

Japanese tradition tells that this tea is considered that of the poor, because it is made from the branches that are wasted. However, contrary to what it may seem, this does not make it any less healthy.

In addition to the particularity of its preparation, this three-year-old tea is known for its peculiar flavor. This one has a slight nutty flavor, but at the same time it is very sweet. It is believed that it is because it is not made only from the leaves like the rest of teas, but also from the twigs.

Three year tea

Nutritional values

As stated in the White Book on Nutrition in Spain of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, tea contains :

  • Minerals such as calcium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium
  • Fiber
  • Folic acid
  • Protein

In addition, it contains very little fat (only 2 g), so it is ideal if we are on a diet.

Properties of three-year tea

green tea infusion


Now that we know its main components, we are going to review the main properties of this tea for our body:

  • Some studies attribute antioxidant and antimicrobial effects thanks to its content in catechins, a powerful flavonoid. This can make it a great ally of our immune system by helping it fight against free radicals that threaten our body.
  • It has digestive properties, ideal to take after a meal, especially if we tend to suffer from heaviness, indigestion or heartburn. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which would help reduce inflammation of our digestive system and relieve irritation.
  • Being a drink rich in water, it has diuretic properties, which is why it helps us eliminate excess fluids that accumulate in our body.
  • According to the White Book on Nutrition in Spain, it contains significant amounts of calcium (302 mg) so it can be a great ally of our bones and teeth, helping us to keep them strong.
  • Some studies associate regular tea consumption with a lower prevalence of cavities. This is due to its antimicrobial action that would help eliminate germs from the mouth.
  • The same study also included the benefits of green tea for our heart. And it is that thanks to its flavonoids it can be positive to reduce bad cholesterol. 

How three year old tea is prepared

Its preparation is very simple. Three-year-old tea is prepared by boiling the amount of a tablespoon per half a liter of water for 2 or 4 minutes. Remember not to infuse it too much or it will turn bitter like other green teas. Then you only have to let it rest for 10 minutes.

If it does not seem sweet enough and you want to sweeten it more, we recommend doing it with stevia, a natural, light and healthy sweetener. If you have never tried it, we recommend that you use it not only in your infusions, but also in your desserts.

Delicious drinks

three-year tea infusion

This drink can be taken hot or cold and at any time of the year. Therefore, we recommend that you try different recipes with kukicha tea for the whole family.

Here we leave you some idea: you can boil it with the peel of a citrus fruit, such as lemon, orange or tangerine. You can also combine it with cinnamon and a vegetable drink of your choice (rice, oatmeal, almond, etc.).

And it is that, who said that tea is only for winter or for cold times? Nothing of that! We can drink it all year round, hot or cold, as we like best.

Of course, to benefit from all the properties that we have mentioned, we recommend that if you can buy the three-year organic quality tea.

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