Distance Prevents Hugs But Not Feelings

Although there is distance between two subtle thread that people who love persists connects the hearts. The feelings are still present, but the fear that the physical absence will end up breaking the relationship is common.

Throughout life, it is normal for there to be temporary separations from people who love each other, for various reasons. Sometimes the distance is established with the couple, but this also applies to parents, children or other significant others.

Work activities are the most common reason for these forced distances, but there are many other reasons as well. Although the distance is temporary, it is a challenge for the affective bond. Doubts, fears and, above all, longing for that person you love appear.

Now, if there are sincere feelings and mental clarity, it is possible to properly manage those complex vital moments. Under these conditions, it is possible to understand that distance is a lack of physical contact, but not an absence of feelings. We invite you to reflect on it.

The distance that separates our souls

The fate of any relationship is unpredictable, whether the two are physically together or if there is distance between them. For this reason, it is important to be clear about some aspects when building a bond with someone:

  • Loving requires investment of effort.
  • Loving someone is taking risks.
  • A stable, mature and conscious relationship is one that knows how to cope with the many difficulties that appear. This includes situations for which neither of you are prepared.

Today, it is very common for people to have to travel to other places, sometimes distant, for academic or work commitments.

Although it is reasonable that all projects are always undertaken together, it is not always possible. Not at least for a period of time. That is when some problems sometimes appear that we will immediately analyze.


The uncertainty of affections

Doubts, fear and mistrust are usually the main enemies when it comes to maintaining a relationship in the distance.

  • The distance involves a series of readjustments, including getting used to the physical lack of that other person. This can create the feeling that a part of yourself is being lost.
  • The manifestations of affection and their frequency change, which raises doubts about whether love is no longer the same, or if it has even disappeared. This can lead to more demands being made of the other, in order to reaffirm the bond, when, in reality, what is needed is to digest the fear. It is a situation that is undoubtedly very complex.

Long distance relationship: who will and who will not be able to maintain it

Relationship experts indicate that not all people are prepared to maintain a commitment from a distance.

  • People with low self-esteem, for example, tend to have greater attachment behaviors and a higher need for immediate reinforcement and closeness, which cannot be achieved while separated.
  • Low self-concept, low self-esteem and high insecurity cause behaviors such as jealousy to emerge; That mistrust, in turn, causes suffering in the other person and erodes the relationship.

Self-confident people are characterized by greater psychological and emotional maturity. This allows them to establish a couple commitment based, above all, on trust and a project in common with the loved one.

Even if you suffer from longing, for the lack of physical contact, caresses, the complicity of looks and everything that makes up a relationship, distrust does not arise. Therefore, the most important thing is to work on your own safety, instead of nurturing doubts.

How to maintain a relationship from a distance and not lose heart in the attempt

As has been pointed out, the personality of each person is decisive when facing a situation of forced distance with the partner.

However, there are also a number of factors that must be taken into account:

  • The distance has a purpose and both parties must understand and accept it. Before distancing yourself, it is important to reach agreements and pacts that are clear to both of you and that allow you to create a new common framework for the relationship.

If this is not done, or is done in an inappropriate way, a crack is generated that can later lead to misunderstandings and difficulties.

  • Cultivate honesty and respect. The fact that the two are on “very different maps” does not imply that “common emotional spaces” do not continue to be shared.

Good communication is essential to adequately go through these stages. It is important that each one expresses what he feels and is attentive to listen to what the other experiences.

  • The distance is temporary. This is the most important point. If a couple is forced to separate, you must understand that it is a momentary change. In fact, if they know how to handle it, this could reinvigorate the relationship and open up new perspectives for it.

    If there is love, being far away will not be an obstacle

    If a couple loves each other, distance will allow them to build new forms of encounter and intimacy. For this to be possible, it is important to increase self-confidence and maintain a sincere and open dialogue with the other.

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