Does Chocolate Make You Fat?

Are you one of those who has stopped consuming chocolate for fear of gaining weight? Although much has been said about this food, the truth is that, as long as it is consumed in moderation, it can provide some benefits. Today we want to clarify if eating chocolate is actually fattening. 

To begin with, we must emphasize that it is a food with interesting nutritional and antioxidant properties. As highlights a study published in Antioxidants & Redox Signaling,  e s an interesting source of phenolics, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber fat.

What is chocolate made of?

According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, the main substances that make up chocolate are fat and sugars. For this reason, they recommend a moderate and occasional consumption. In addition, it provides minerals such as magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, in addition to calcium in its varieties with milk. It also contains flavonoids with antioxidant action, specifically catechins.

Chocolate is obtained from the mixture of cocoa mass (solid matter) and cocoa butter (fat), both from cocoa beans, and sugar . From these products, used to a greater or lesser extent, and incorporating others such as milk, nuts or natural fruits, different types of chocolate are made.

The best way to consume it

  • Choose dark chocolate, as it is the one with the highest amount of polyphenols, more than milk or white chocolate.
  • Look for chocolates that contain at least 70% cocoa and fewer added sugars and milk, as these decrease their purity.
  • Chocolate can be presented and taken in various forms: in a tablet, as a powder, as a drink, hot, melted, as a topping for other foods, as a mousse , as a base for desserts and cakes, etc. In all its forms, it always appears irresistible before our eyes, and it is delicious to our palate.

Health benefits of chocolate

It would be antidepressant

Research published in Nutrition Reviews looked at 8 different studies pointing to connections between mood and chocolate consumption. The conclusions were as follows:

benefits of chocolate consumption

It would help improve memory

Through Frontiers in Nutrition they have pointed out that the consumption of dark chocolate could help improve memory in the medium and long term. This is due to the presence of flavonoids with antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants would act by fighting free radicals and delaying or preventing senile dementia and Alzheimer’s. However, more studies are needed in this regard.

It would delay premature aging

At present, it has been discovered that antioxidants would act by reducing oxidative stress and delaying the signs of premature aging. Keep in mind that dark or dark chocolate contains a higher concentration of antioxidants than its other varieties.

It would protect against heart disease

Although the data is not conclusive, a study in the Journal of Hypertension indicates that cocoa flavonoids would activate the nitric oxide system, being able to protect against heart disease (or at least reduce the risk of its appearance).

Woman holding her breast

It would decrease stress and inflammation

In 2018, researchers concluded that consuming dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa could have positive effects on stress and inflammation levels.

Does chocolate really make you fat?

It has always been said, and it is a widely held belief, that chocolate makes you fat. It is true that, as it normally has quite high sugar levels, chocolate is one of the foods with the most calories and, therefore, it could lead to weight gain if we do not consume it moderately.

However, chocolate, consumed in its pure state and in moderation, would not make you fat. The key is in choosing the variety with less sugar and in its occasional and moderate consumption. We can include dark chocolate in our diet as long as we do not abuse it.

Remember that our diet should contain mainly foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals, as well as quality proteins. In addition, it would be preferable to eat it in the morning or at noon, so that our body would have time during the day to burn the energy it provides.

Different types of chocolate

The best variety of chocolate would be dark or bitter (it should contain at least 70% cocoa) since it has less sugar and a higher concentration of antioxidants.

Finally, a curious fact : a study published in 2012 in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded that the countries where the most chocolate is consumed are those that have received the most Nobel prizes.

Now that you know that chocolate is not fattening, as long as we control its consumption, have a cup of hot chocolate, or a delicious chocolate, and give yourself this little pleasure!

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