Estrogen: An Essential Hormone In Women

Did you know that there is evidence showing that estrogen could protect the brain and cardiovascular system? Don’t miss it in the next article.

Estrogen is one of the most important hormones in women. It is responsible for the growth of the breasts, menstruation and widening of the hips.

Men and women secrete estrogens as part of a natural strategy to ensure the preservation of the species. However, it is women who most experience its effects during three fundamental moments: puberty, pregnancy and menopause. 

In general, estrogen’s main task is to ensure the proper functioning of the body for ovulation and subsequent fertilization. In the same way, it is also used additionally in some replacement therapies, such as those associated with menopause or climacteric.

Therefore, we are going to delve a little more about it.

Types of estrogens

There are three types of estrogens in the body that serve an endocrine function. All act on the nucleus of cells that regulate protein synthesis.

  • Estrone, whose aromatase enzyme is acquired through the synthesis of progesterone. Its production takes place in fatty tissue and in the ovaries.
  • Estradiol, which gets the aromatase enzyme from testosterone and is found in abundance in the body during the childbearing years.
  • Estriol. It is synthesized through androsterone, produced in enormous quantities in pregnancy.

Healthy brain

Woman cooking

Estrogen has a preventive effect on cerebrovascular diseases, as suggested by this research by a team from the Mayo Clinic. Another of its vital tasks: it acts positively on the integral functioning of the ‘command center’ of the human body.

These benefits occur thanks to the fact that they favor the continuous flow of both blood and glucose to the brain. It is a fundamental aspect for the good state of neurons and of some neurotransmitters.

Additional benefits

But this is not all. Female sex hormones, in addition to regulating the proper functioning of the reproductive cycle and working in conjunction with androgens to stimulate libido, also support the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

In this way, blood pressure is lowered and bones are protected, thanks to the fact that they intervene in the assimilation of calcium. In addition, it has a positive effect on all the tasks of the urinary system.

Menopause and estrogens

Woman talking to a doctor

Upon reaching menopause, estrogen production is abruptly reduced, leading to major changes throughout the body.

Some of the symptoms that usually appear are vaginal dryness, radical variations in mood, extreme fatigue, excessive sweating and the appearance of osteoporosis. In addition, the risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases also rise, according to this study carried out by Dr. Arteaga.

Likewise, there is evidence of episodes with losses of collagen and calcium. That is why during this stage full of changes it is recommended to go to the gynecologist to establish guidelines for action.

In the same way, it is normal for a woman to notice  mood swings somewhat more pronounced than usual during this stage . All of this is part of the new life cycle that you are about to experience.

What is the relationship between estradiol and Alzheimer’s?

Estradiol is the strongest hormone among estrogens. It has a vital role within motor functions and is also related to memory and learning processes, as well as sensitivity to pain.

Some specialists even attribute estradiol the ability to protect the brain against the possible damage that can be generated by diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

However, the evidence is not entirely conclusive yet, so it is too early to make this assumption outright.

The best way to preserve health, especially in the period that includes menopause, is a balanced diet (with special emphasis on foods with omega-3 and calcium), the practice of physical exercise and the follow-up of the medical routine established by the gynecologist.

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