Every Day I Am More Human, Less Perfect And Happier

Self-acceptance is an adventure that can last a long time. The moment we feel good about who we are, what we have and what we have achieved, that important inner balance arrives. You agree to be less perfect and happier.

There are those who spend a large part of their life pretending to be something that is not. And not only that. Far from being accepted, he makes a thousand efforts to change this and that, to pursue a long-distance career in search of that ideal that he has in mind, and that almost never adjusts to reality.

Life is not perfect, and absolute perfection does not exist either. Life is moments, moments to be enjoyed with the utmost happiness. That is where self-acceptance is the first step that we must overcome. Today in our space we invite you to reflect on it.

Less perfect but happier

They say that the greatest attraction is sometimes in the imperfection. The answer is simple: any small imperfection makes us unique and unrepeatable people. There is the magic. Accepting ourselves in each of our nuances, with our defects and our perfections, will make us find the balance with ourselves. Then there will be a balance with the world itself and with those around us.

  • Who does not accept himself develops a feeling of insecurity towards his person
  • Insecurity in turn generates dissatisfaction. Someone dissatisfied with himself ends up frustrated or developing maladaptive behaviors: envy, fear …
  • Nobody is happier for having a perfect body. In fact, there are many people who, after having achieved it based on exercises, restrictive diets and even undergoing surgery, discover that it is still not accepted
  • Sometimes  that need for self-perfection is instilled from our childhood. Having a strict mother or a severe father makes us end up showing that insecurity in ourselves, where we think that perfection may be our only answer

    It is necessary that we always reach that moment in our life cycle in which  we finally assume ourselves as we are. This moment must appear after adolescence and arrival of first youth, moment in which our body has matured.

    woman with hands on chest

    From here the great adventure of our life takes place. There where only the most advanced in emotional matters, in self-esteem and in self-concept will advance their life path with great integrity, open to everything that life offers them.

    Every day I am more human and more receptive to what surrounds me

    Being human is …

    • Be more sensitive to day-to-day realities
    • Knowing how to listen to ourselves and understand our needs, and in turn knowing how to intuit those of others to strengthen ties, to show empathy …
    • Act with authentic emotional intelligence: respecting, attending, communicating with integrity and favoring an authentic complicity where we all win and no one loses

    To get to this important level where we need to connect with everyone around us, it  is necessary, first, to connect with ourselves. That is, accept us.

    • Acceptance is being happy with our body, with our physical appearance but also with our mind
    • Acceptance is also accepting our past, our triumphs, but also our mistakes
    • It is necessary to accept the failures at the same time that we integrate them to obtain a learning. In this way, the acceptance of each of the aspects of our life, our past and our present is given way.

    woman with a leaf in her hand

    Being happy is not incompatible with making mistakes. Nor should we be wrong and assume that only those who lead and have a perfect life are happy. Happiness is moments, they are moments, where it is essential that it starts, first of all, from our own interior.

    Only those who are proud of themselves and, in turn, know how to act with humility, respecting others and also favoring the happiness of others, make this world much better every day. So always remember to be more and more human, less perfect and happier.

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