Everything You Need To Know About Almond Oil

The almond tree is a tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. Its origin is in the mountainous regions of Asia, there it has been for centuries. The famous almond oil is extracted from its fruit, ideal for taking care of the skin.

Properties of almond oil

Thanks to its nutrients, almond oil provides great benefits to the health of the body, both from the inside and the outside.

Among its most important nutrients are:

  • Vitamins A, B3 and E
  • Protein
  • Fatty acids
  • Minerals like zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. And large amounts of calcium
  • Monounsaturated fats
  • Oleic and linoleic acids, such as omega 3 and 6

Benefits that almond oil brings to the body

Strengthens bones

Almond oil provides calcium

Almonds are a source of calcium micronutrients, which is essential for strong bones.

You can also use it on the skin through a massage and it will help improve blood circulation and make the muscles stronger.

Almonds are good for memory

Thanks to the amount of phosphorus they contain, almonds are helpful in improving the health of our brain and maintaining our memory and intellectual performance.

Increases levels of good cholesterol (HDL)

It should be borne in mind that the body is composed of two classes of cholesterol:

  • One of them is bad cholesterol or LDL. This  clogs the arteries with fats and over time, if it is not taken care of correctly, you can suffer from heart disease.
  • The other is good cholesterol or HDL, which is responsible for protecting the heart, since it removes the plaques from the arterial walls and carries it to the liver.

The whole body needs HDL cholesterol and almonds are allies of our body to increase good cholesterol. This is due to its amount of fatty acids and antioxidants.

An ally against cancer

Eating almonds can help reduce our chances of getting cancer, as well as other health problems.

Thanks to its antioxidants such as vitamin E, and its amounts of calcium and fiber, almonds are a good food to keep our body healthy, as well as our cells without oxidation.

Treat acne

You can use almond oil to take care of your skin

Acne appears for different reasons on the skin. One of them is the excess of sebaceous glands, which are those that produce fat throughout the body. With hormonal changes, these glands begin to produce more and more.

Other people suffer from this problem due to a genetic condition and, over time, they can develop dimples and scars.

Almond oil can be a great ally to combat oily skin, as well as blackheads and acne.

This is due to its contribution of nutrients that can help us improve the appearance of the affected areas, reducing inflammation, calming the skin and hydrating it.

Ideal for hair

Dry scalp is something that afflicts many people, as hair can look dull, rough, as well as itch and flake.

Almond oil instantly makes hair soft and shiny. It also eliminates dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

Take care of the skin

Almond oil takes care of you inside and out

The skin is permanently exposed to different means that can be negative for its health and deteriorate its appearance. Among the problems that can afflict it are bacteria, viruses or sunburn, among others.

  • Almond oil is also very suitable on this occasion, as it prevents dryness, and improves conditions such as acne and eczema.
  • We owe all this to its fatty acids, responsible for providing hydration to the skin. Thus, we achieve a plump, soft and rejuvenated dermis.

Reduces stretch marks

Stretch marks are marks that appear on the skin, which are often unsightly for some people. They can arise with weight gain, pregnancy, or rapid weight loss, as the skin stretches and shrinks and loses elasticity.

  • Almond oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, making it perfect for regenerating the skin.
  • In this way we will ensure that it is soft and moisturized and we will reduce the appearance of annoying stretch marks.

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