Exercises For Memory

Who wouldn’t like to improve memory? Memory is one of the qualities that, without realizing it, we use the most in our day to day life. There are many books and techniques that could help us maintain or even increase it, so that we can remember much more and much more easily.

Anyway, there are simple and simple exercises that we can put into practice from today to improve memory capacity . We can do them while we go to work or are at home. This is thanks to the fact that they will not take us a long time to do them and they will allow us to progressively improve memory. We show them below.

But, remember: What we explain here are only recommendations that, in general, are not specifically proven by science to improve memory. If you think you may be having memory problems, it is best to consult a specialist.

How to exercise memory?

To exercise our memory, we can try to perform different exercises to train it. E hese allow us to see how we are improving daily . In addition, there are some exercises that are very simple to do, but that can offer us results.

Improve memory with games like Sudoku

To begin with, we can wear our watch on the opposite arm that we always wear . We will see that in a few days we will get used to looking at the time on the arm on which we wear the watch, instead of the arm we were used to.

Dressing with your eyes closed or walking forwards or backwards at home are other exercises you can do to improve. Also, try doing some tasks with your non-dominant hand. For example, hold a pen in your left hand if you are right-handed.

These exercises refer to the neurobic. This is a set of mental exercises and problems that could improve brain performance. The term neurobiotics was coined by researchers Lawrence Katz and Manning Rubin to describe mental exercises designed to keep the brain alert. With the help of neurobic exercises, the brain could be stimulated and memory improved.

Some more complicated exercises

On the other hand, when we want to go a little further, progress more with the exercises and look for something more complicated, we can choose a phrase from any book that we like and try to form another phrase using the same words .

Mental math is another of the exercises that can help us improve memory. For example, when we go into a place where there are more people, we can try to quickly count how many people are on each side.

We can also improve memory through word games if we like them. We can take a word and see what letter it starts with, and then we have to find five or ten other words that start with the same letter as quickly as possible.

Writing can help improve memory

Games with numbers, or hobbies are other exercises that we can do daily to improve our memory and, in addition, we will have a fun time and we will be able to forget about the worries of our day to day.

Other factors that affect memory

In addition to memory games, there are certain habits that could help us improve memory. Certain foods, such as walnuts, are known to improve cognitive function.

There are certain habits, however, that will not help at all, such as the abuse of tobacco, alcoholic beverages and other substances. Therefore, we must understand that memory is part of our health and, therefore, we must do for it the same as we do to keep our body healthy.

Remember: memory is part of health and must be cared for like any other if we want to always keep it in good condition. A balanced diet, exercise and good habits are essential to maintain good cognitive function.

We hope that all the proposed exercises allow you to progressively improve your memory. Also, they could be a good way to prevent future memory loss in the future. Remember that, with age, this is inevitable.

We encourage you to start small. You can start by writing with the opposite hand to which you usually write five minutes a day or play word games for ten minutes a day. Once you’ve gotten into the habit, you can increase this time. Before expected, you will realize how those forgetfulness that you usually have are less and less frequent.

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