Games And Exercises To Strengthen Children’s Arms

Exercise is essential for the good physical development of infants. For them, the best option is gambling, in any of its forms. In this article we are going to focus on a series of movements that help strengthen children’s arms.

This task is important to achieve a harmonious development of the whole body. This is important because it is common for a lot of attention to be paid to the lower body. However, once little ones stop crawling, this area tends to receive less attention.

Also, another reason why it is very important for children to develop the upper body is related to the development of stability of the shoulder and the shoulder girdle. This is essential to grow with good posture and also for the development of fine motor skills and writing.

Children’s upper body strength, including shoulder stability, must be developed through exposure to a wide range of gross motor activities.

Games in the park for the development of the arms

At playgrounds there are many opportunities for children to strengthen their arms. There, children often have the opportunity to arm, hang, climb, pull and push, through a wide range of options. These include standing bars, ropes, and nets.

Free play in the park gives the child the opportunity to explore different movements and to experiment again and again. In addition, it also allows you to socialize with other little ones, improvise games or simply learn from others.

The park offers another series of psychomotor development options for children, such as lower body muscles, balance and learning space-time patterns, among others.

Children playing rope in a park

Throwing games to strengthen children’s arms

Throws are a type of physical activity in which not only children’s arms are strengthened, but the entire upper body is strengthened. In this way, any game or sport that involves throwing something or hitting a moving object with the hand develops and tones this area.

This category includes ball games in which you throw with your hands and also those of racket or similar.

These types of variants can be adapted to the age of the child and also to the circumstances. Simple activities, such as throwing stones into the river, already involve interesting arm work.

However , in these games it is interesting to challenge the child to use both arms. Otherwise, you will most likely always throw with your dominant hand, which can cause some type of muscle imbalance in the medium or long term.

Games at home to strengthen children’s arms

At home there are also many games and activities that help children to strengthen the muscles of the arms and upper body.

Some ideas for children to play at home while building strength include:

  • Movements in the corridor, lying face down, using your arms: with a little creativity you can create races or play hide-and-seek. Different possibilities of movement can also be explored; supporting the hips, with the hips raised, with the legs straight, with the legs bent.
  • Shooting game at ground level: this type of game can be done standing, lying down, sitting or in any position that occurs to them. The point is that you have to control the movements so that the ball or what is thrown goes to ground level.
  • Housework: you can get the children to help with the housework while they work their arms, creating games in which they have to carry more or less heavy things. For example, they can help empty shelves, raise and lower objects or move them. Also to move the purchase.
    Little boy exercises lower body.

    Free play and arm strengthening in childhood

    It is well known that sports such as basketball, handball, tennis or paddle tennis favor, among other things, the strengthening of the upper body. However, there are other options that focus more on the work of the arms, shoulders and back.

    Archery, climbing or table tennis are also very interesting for strengthening the arms and, in general, the entire upper body.

    It is very common for adults to insist that children do guided exercises, structured games and others. However, what helps the physical development of children the most is having the opportunity to play freely in environments where there is the opportunity to exercise.

    The field or the park offer endless possibilities for children. But also, you have to give them the opportunity to play sports if they wish.

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