How Do I Know If My Baby Is Sick?

Your newborn will give you warning signs if he has any discomfort. We give you the tools so that you learn to recognize them and consult as soon as possible so as not to delay the diagnosis.

Parents tend to worry about any problem that our son presents. More if you are a newcomer. The ideal is to identify when the baby is sick to go to the pediatrician at the right times. That is, to be alarmed by necessary signs.

Keep in mind that these symptoms may vary depending on the age of the child. So here are some ideas of what you should pay attention to.

Care for neonates

According to Robert L. Stavis, in his article “Introduction to the general problems of the newborn”, it is preferable to classify the disorders of this period according to the gestational age at which the baby was born. It is more likely to suffer from any condition those born before 37 weeks, considered premature.

The causes of conditions in newborns, in general, are usually derived from health problems of the mother during pregnancy. These pathologies can be preeclampsia, lupus, asthma, hypertension associated with pregnancy and gestational diabetes.

What are the most common diseases in neonates?

There are more common illnesses among newborns. Among them, you can be aware of abdominal distention, respiratory distress, jaundice (yellowing of skin and mucous membranes), any type of injury during childbirth, lethargy and numbness and blue baby syndrome (blue color due to lack of oxygen).

Jaundice in a newborn.

What are the main signs that the baby is sick?

The symptoms that the baby is sick vary from one disease to another. If you want to know if your child has a problem, it is best to monitor body and behavioral symptoms. So you can safely establish if you have a health problem.

Bodily symptoms

According to About Kids Health , in the case of newborn babies and up to three months, fever can be the first and only symptom of a serious infection. Even if the temperature is minimally above normal, you should go to the pediatrician.

Remember that a normal temperature is up to 37 ° C if it is measured in the armpit. Similarly, if the baby’s temperature falls below 36 ° it is a warning sign.

Attention should be paid to symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting or coughing. With vomiting the color should be examined. If it is green, it means that bile is expelled, denoting liver disorders.

You have to see if they are regurgitation or vomiting, really. The former are usually an ebb. When they spit up they take out little puffs of milk. The uncomfortable baby is not usually noticed and can continue to feed without problems.

It is not normal for the baby to have a weak suck, be unable to suck for a long time, and sweat while eating. You have to watch your muscle tone, the sounds while you breathe, your color and how often you urinate.

Changes in behavior when the baby is sick

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, when there is frequent and strange crying and irritability there is a problem to pay attention to. Changes in diet must also be addressed. This is because newborns tend to eat very frequently. Whether the newborn needs to be awakened to eat or is unable to finish its meal is a red flag.

According to the Pediatric Health Library, if it is observed that the child decreases the suction force in the milk feeds, does not feed well and there is no firmness when sticking to the breast, it may be a sign that the baby is sick. They feed every two to four hours and show hunger by sucking their fingers and hands or crying. If you sleep and show no interest in eating, there may be a problem.

Babies develop different types of crying to communicate their needs, including pain. If you are constantly restless and nervous and cry for long periods, you may have a medical condition. You may get irritated if you feel pain. Being nervous and shaking are signs of illness.

Pediatric consultation of a sick baby.

What to keep in mind when talking to your pediatrician

When choosing a pediatrician, take into account their professional experience and reputation. If you go because you think the baby is sick, it is best to ask the questions related to the case directly.

You can take the opportunity to ask other questions, such as whether to follow a feeding schedule, how to know if he has eaten enough, how to bathe him and what is the best way to remove gas. In addition, there may be other interesting topics to discuss, such as the classic problem of hiccups and spitting up.

Parents and caregivers are responsible for knowing how to interpret the signs that occur in the infant. Children develop basic behaviors to communicate and you have to be attentive to them.

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