How Does The Imbalance Of The Thyroid Glands Affect Us?

If we gain or lose weight for no reason, have frequent muscle aches, have trouble concentrating, and have anxiety problems or excessive sadness, it is likely that we have a thyroid-related problem.

In case you didn’t know, the thyroid glands play a fundamental role in the body and metabolism. The thyroid is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the neck, above the clavicle. If it is unbalanced, it can cause many problems; find out which ones in the following article.

The thyroid gland: important and forgotten

Many of us are not aware of the incidence that this gland has in our daily lives until it “gives us problems”. In the first place, it is responsible for producing many of the hormones that control our activities.

The two most common thyroid gland disorders are:

  • Hyperthyroidism: More hormones are produced than our body needs.
  • Hypothyroidism: Not enough hormones are created.

As for diseases related to thyroid problems, we can highlight the following:

  • Goiter: Enlargement of the gland in the neck.
  • Cancer of the thyroid.
  • Thyroid nodules
  • Thyroiditis: Inflammation of the gland.

About 12% of the population has a thyroid problem today. Likewise, a high percentage will also develop an imbalance of this type throughout their lives.

Signs that indicate a thyroid gland problem

The body alerts us all the time, although we do not always listen to it. It is good to pay attention to the signs that indicate a possible imbalance in the thyroid glands. For example, these are the most important:

Fatigue and sleep disturbances

As reported by the Mayo Clinic, fatigue is the main symptom of problems with this gland. If you notice that you want to sleep all the time, or if you are still sleepy no matter how long you rest for 10 hours, you may be suffering from hypothyroidism. Also if you feel that you lack strength or energy.

On the other hand, the National Library of Medicine of the United States assures that in the event that you cannot fall asleep easily or you feel too anxious or alert, it may be due to hyperthyroidism. The reason is that this abnormality accelerates the pulse and heartbeat.

Sleep disorders

Changes in weight

If you have hypothyroidism, you will gain weight or it will be very difficult to reduce it, according to this study carried out by the “Dr. Salvador Allende ”from Cuba. Otherwise, if you can’t gain weight no matter what you eat, then your problem may be related to hyperthyroidism.


Changes at the mental level are very common in people with imbalances in the thyroid glands. In the case of hyperthyroidism, it is related to anxiety, panic attacks, always being “at a thousand an hour” and having difficulty concentrating.

As this research from the Osijek Clinical Hospital (Croatia) assures, when it comes to hypothyroidism, depression, sadness and fatigue are the daily bread. This is because serotonin levels are high. There may also be cases of poor concentration or poor memory.

Intestinal problems

Those with hypothyroidism have serious problems with constipation, as confirmed by this study carried out by the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital (Madrid). This occurs because changes in hormonal production generate a slowdown in digestive processes. Those with hyperthyroidism may suffer from diarrhea or irritable bowel.

Muscles and joints

If your muscles suddenly become numb, your limbs ache, or your feet or hands feel numb, it may be due to insufficient thyroid hormone production. Likewise, it is possible to experience:

  • Rigidity.
  • Pain.
  • Inflammation.
  • Weakness.
  • Tendinitis

If in recent times you are having difficulty holding objects with your hands, climbing stairs or reaching high cabinets, then your problem may be hyperthyroidism.

Reproductive system

Women with hypothyroidism have longer or more irregular menstrual periods, according to the Mayo Clinic in their study.  They can also suffer from infertility and hormonal imbalances, such as PMS. In both sexes there is a decrease in libido.

On the other hand, women with hyperthyroidism have shorter and possibly delayed menstrual periods. In parallel, fertility may be affected.

Hair and skin

10 homemade tips to enhance hair growth

If your hair is very dry, brittle, and falls out too much, it may be because your thyroid hormone is malfunctioning. If, in addition, your skin is dry and your nails are fragile, the most accurate diagnosis is hypothyroidism. In the case of hyperthyroidism, hair also falls out, but only from the head, and the skin appears fragile or delicate.

Body temperature

Those who suffer from cold hands and feet, chills, or a temperature below 37 ° C may have hypothyroidism. Meanwhile, those who feel very hot or perspire excessively even in winter, it is possible that they suffer from hyperthyroidism.


In the case of hypothyroidism, LDL or HDL levels are elevated even when dieting. In hyperthyroidism, people have unusually low levels of cholesterol.

Blood pressure

People with hypothyroidism are at higher risk for high blood pressure. Quite the opposite occurs with those with hyperthyroidism, since although the systolic pressure increases, the diastolic pressure decreases.


In hypothyroidism, patients have a slower heart rate (about 20 fewer beats per minute than normal). On the contrary, with hyperthyroidism, the heart can beat very fast and palpitations can be felt.


Goiter is one of the most common causes of thyroid problems. This enlargement of the gland results in a swelling or protrusion in the neck area and also generates dysphonia. It can appear in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Is there a propensity for thyroid problems?


There are three risk factors that increase the chances of suffering from imbalances in the thyroid gland:

  • Family history
  • Sex and age: It is more common in women and in those over 40 years of age.
  • Smoking: The cigarette contains toxic and harmful components for the gland.

Ultimately, leading a healthy life will greatly contribute to these thyroid gland problems. Of course, in the event of any abnormality or if you detect one of the previously mentioned signs, go to a doctor for a professional diagnosis.

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