How Listeria Affects Pregnancy

Listeria infection is acquired by eating contaminated food. It is a bacteria resistant to low temperatures. In a pregnant woman, once the contaminated food is ingested, the listeria is absorbed in the digestive system and reaches the placenta, one of her favorite tissues. What are its consequences?

What are the symptoms of listeria infection?


The symptoms of this infection are nonspecific, and fever and discomfort may appear as if it were the flu. However, in some cases, a picture of gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and abdominal pain is previously presented.

Under normal conditions, it is a non-specific condition without any further importance. However,  in the case of pregnant women it is serious due to the consequences it can have for the baby.

If the infection is acquired in the first or second trimester of pregnancy, in many cases abortion or stillbirth occurs in utero.

Of the 80% of cases in which it occurs in the third trimester, a third is completely asymptomatic for the mother and the baby. However , in two thirds there is an infection of the amniotic fluid and a premature delivery, with a mortality of the baby of around 20%.

How is the baby spread?

Babies born to mothers who become infected with listeria in late pregnancy can be infected in two ways:

  • Through blood : it is the most frequent form and appears on the second or third day of life. They are usually babies born prematurely and with respiratory failure with pneumonia.
  • By contagion in the birth canal : in these cases it appears on the seventh day of life. Babies often have meningitis.

Diagnosis of listeria infection in pregnancy

Sometimes it is very difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms are very common in many diseases. The diagnosis is made by isolating the bacteria in the pregnant woman, the placenta or the neonate,

In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy it can give flu-like symptoms, with fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. However, in the third trimester it usually presents as a picture of fever, uterine pain and contractions.


Pregnant woman at the doctor

The treatment of choice is intravenous ampicillin in doses of 1g / 8h for at least 10 days. Subsequently, it is continued orally until completing 3 weeks of treatment. In addition, an intravenous aminoglycoside is administered at a dose of 3mg / kg in a single daily injection for 5 days.

Proper application of antibiotic treatment significantly improves prognosis and can prevent neonatal infection. Given the suspicion of a listeria infection in a pregnant woman, antibiotic treatment should be started before having the results of the cultures to avoid wasting time.

How can listeria infection be prevented?

Prophylaxis must take into account all links in the contamination chain. The most important preventive measure is information to pregnant women about the risk of infection related to food and hygiene measures.

Above all, it is advisable to be very careful with food and bear in mind that listeria is resistant to freezing. However, this bacterium is destroyed above 50º. Here are a series of recommendations to prevent listeria infection:

  • Cook all foods of animal origin above 50º and take pasteurized dairy products.
  • Wash foods that are eaten raw well. You should also wash your hands, kitchen utensils, and kitchen surfaces after handling raw food.
  •  Clean the refrigerator often and do not mix raw food with cooked food.
  •  Do not keep deli products for long after opening.

Foods not recommended in pregnancy

The foods most at risk of getting listeria and that, therefore, are not recommended for pregnant women are :

  • Soft cheeses that are not pasteurized, such as brie or camembert.
  • Unpasteurized milk.
  • Frankfurt type sausages if they are not heated well above 50ºC.
  • Raw fish and seafood.
  • Salads bought already ready to eat. Before consuming them, it is recommended to wash them well.


The importance of listeriosis derives from the serious consequences that a late diagnosis can have on the evolution of pregnancy. So it is important to keep it in mind before any febrile process without apparent focus during pregnancy.

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