How To Control Pain In Menstrual Period?

Period pain is not the same for all women. While some experience true trauma, others hardly notice it.

Pain in the menstrual period can manifest itself through  throbbing, cramping and other uncomfortable sensations that are part of the elimination of the unfertilized egg. Although it is not the same in every woman, in many cases it can be very intense.

Instead of being ignored, it is necessary to try to alleviate the discomfort in order to live normally. Fortunately, beyond painkillers, there are natural solutions that can help, as a complementary treatment.

The hot water bottle can never be missing

The hot water bottle can never be missing

Although it seems simple, placing  a thermal bag with hot water has an effect quite similar to that of painkillers.  The heat activates the pain-blocking receptors produced by prostaglandins (these are hormones that spread through the uterus during menstruation) and produces the desired effect.

To achieve relief, the correct thing is for the bag to reach about 40 degrees Celsius when heated, and then to be placed exactly where the discomfort is felt most (usually the lower part of the belly). Another effect of this particular remedy is that it favors the dilation of blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation in the uterus.

On the other hand, the thermal container can be left to act for about 15 minutes and then stir it. In this way, the person can alternate its application, allowing it to act for an interval of time on the area and for a few moments without it. It is noticeable that,  with the increase in temperature, the discomfort of menstrual pain improves ; as well as the opposite happens with the cold.

Take natural anti-inflammatories

Part of the pain in the menstrual period occurs due to the inflammation of the belly area. Therefore, an alternative to obtain relief is to take anti-inflammatory drugs. The good news is that there are also natural foods with this property.

Honey, olive oil and cinnamon are three rich sources of substances with anti-inflammatory properties. A few tablespoons can be consumed as a dietary supplement, or added to meals, in moderation. Another food that favors the relief of pain in the menstrual period is basil, since it contains caffeic acid, a substance that helps relieve pain.

Ginger or basil infusions

Ginger drink

Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. The idea is to make an infusion with a liter of water and about two pieces of ginger. After 15 minutes of boiling, you can drink the liquid two or three times a day.

Similarly, you can boil a liter of water and place a couple of tablespoons or branches of basil. Once the liquid reaches room temperature you can drink a cup every half hour.

It should be noted that all of these are options that can be combined without significant counterproductive effects. In this sense, pain in the menstrual period treated with natural remedies and methods is not a cause for concern.

Massages with essential oils

Relaxing massages with essential oils in the painful area have a similar effect to that of the hot water bottle. Movement and touch generate heat in the affected area and this helps improve blood circulation.

The most ideal when performing massages is to do them with natural substances, such as: ointments, lotions or essential oils based on lavender, almond, eucalyptus, etc.

With regard to the technique, the movements of the hands should be the same as those of the handle of a clock and the pressure on the affected area should be light, delicate so as not to hurt the person.

Leading a healthy life prevents pain in the menstrual period

Heavy menstruation

In addition to the commonly used pain relievers (such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen) and the natural methods mentioned above, a balanced diet and exercise will make menstrual pain more bearable.

For this reason, it is recommended that the person avoid standing still and at least try to walk slowly to alleviate discomfort. It is also advisable to supplement the diet, during the menstrual period, with supplements of folic acid, iron, vitamin D, magnesium and calcium.

Finally, a little rest will never hurt. So it is advisable to invest in the quality of sleep and rest. Getting adequate rest can help relieve discomfort and improve your mood.

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