How To Detoxify The Pancreas

The pancreas, is that tear-shaped organ located in the duodenum, produces enzymes and is essential for digestion. If it is intoxicated or inflamed, it is difficult for us to digest food well, hence it is worth knowing how to take care of it and carry out a cleansing diet from time to time.

Functions of the pancreas

This organ is located in the abdominal, retroperitoneal cavity and behind the stomach, its position is almost central, its head is located behind the curvature of the duodenum and the tail ends in the splenorenal ligament that is on the left side of the abdominal cavity. , behind the stomach and extends almost to the spleen.

It is an important organ that consists of two glands with different functions, hormonal and digestive:

  • Endocrine glands: they secrete hormones into our bloodstream. These hormones are insulin and glucagon, which regulate the amount of glucose in the blood among other things.
  • Exocrine glands: these are responsible for the enzymes for the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and acids.

Cleansing diet for the pancreas

How can our pancreas become inflamed or poisoned? Well, our diet is always the first factor for one or more organs to start to fail.

Also external elements of the environment can alter its functionality. All this causes hormonal imbalances in this organ and diseases such as diabetes. The pancreas must be detoxified to keep it healthy. We explain how:

1. Goodbye to toxins thanks to medicinal plants

Ginger lemonade

The first step we have to take to start purifying the pancreas is to eliminate alcohol, tobacco and what we all know as junk food from our diet.

We know that quitting the habit of tobacco always costs, but the effort is worth it. They are years of life that we gain. Reduce the intake of flour, sugars, sweets … all that will make us feel better.

There are also a whole series of wonderful medicinal plants that will help us purify the pancreas:

    • Ginger tea: reduces inflammation, purifies our body, is sedative and a good antioxidant.
    • Green tea: how about we start drinking it for breakfast and in the afternoons? We will get an excellent dose of fantastic antioxidants to cleanse the pancreas.
    • Licorice infusion: it is a very digestive root that favors the production of bile to digest food.

2. Adequate water and juices

Kiwi and lettuce

It would be ideal if you were on a cleansing diet for at least 10 days a month. Start the day with a glass of lemon juice with warm water, a kiwi and a cup of oatmeal. It is necessary that every day you drink two liters of water, and that during these days, you feed yourself first and foremost with fruits and vegetables.

Increase your dose of green leafy vegetables, rich in vitamin B, and all those fruits rich in antioxidants and vitamins, such as papaya, orange, strawberries. It would be perfect if you made pineapple and papaya juices for example, although one of the most suitable fruits for the pancreas is kiwi.

3. The benefits of a hot shower or bath

Relaxing bathroom

It may surprise you, but taking a hot shower or bath every day stimulates our digestion and improves the health of our pancreas. It stimulates and activates its functioning. So do not hesitate to take a very hot bath before going to sleep, it will relax you to better sleep, and it will reactivate the functionality of the pancreas.

4. Take care of your emotions and reduce stress


It may seem silly to you but it is not. Keep in mind that going through periods of anxiety or stress will cause the levels of the hormone cortisol to rise, which is very harmful to our body.

Negative emotions and worries alter our basic functions, affecting our digestions, for example, increasing the risk that our intestines, colon, etc. become inflamed. all this will also lead to our pancreas becoming ill and stop releasing enzymes in our stomach.

You have to take this into account, so try to relax, find time for yourself, take a walk, eat well…. taking care of your pancreas costs nothing and will be worth it.

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