How To Lower High Triglycerides Naturally

High triglycerides can cause cardiovascular disease. Avoid them with these recommendations to lower high triglycerides.

Triglycerides are the chemical form that most fat exists in food and in the body. Despite how good they can be, their excess causes hypertriglyceridemia, so it is necessary to lower high triglycerides.

Triglycerides are a vital part in the formation of blood plasma. They are derived from some fats that we eat and from other sources of energy, such as carbohydrates.

Hypertriglyceridemia has been related to coronary artery problems and as a determining factor in other conditions such as diabetes mellitus. To avoid these problems, the following basic recommendations can be used to lower high triglycerides.

Lose weight if necessary

Losing weight helps lower high triglycerides

First, before anything, you must take into account your weight. One of the natural treatments to avoid or reduce high triglycerides is to lose weight when you have extra kilos. 

If you are overweight, you have a great chance of suffering from high triglycerides. However, a few simple changes to eating the perfect diet and getting enough exercise can do both of these things.

  • If you are not a very active person or spend many hours sitting, it is important that you increase your physical activity. It is not necessary that you start with great challenges, a short walk will suffice and as your physical condition improves, you can increase your physical activity.
  • It is important to reduce the amount of foods and drinks that are high in calories and fat.  Instead, try to include a greater variety of fruits and vegetables.

People with rates of overweight high triglycerides manage to regulate their rapidly losing weight. Just remember to do it naturally and healthy.

Reduce negative fats to lower high triglycerides

Our body has the need and ability to contain and use certain amounts of fat in the form of triglycerides. However, to lower high triglycerides you must  decrease the amounts of saturated and trans fats. This type of fat can be present in:

  • Various salad dressings.
  • Canned food
  • Butter.
  • Whole milk.
  • Margarines
  • Breads
  • Red meat

It is important that you remember to read food labels to avoid these fats. It is recommended that 30% or less of the calories you consume are in the form of fat. Instead, you should include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat foods, and lean meats.

Eat more Omega-3

Consuming Omega 3 reduces triglycerides

There are healthy options that should be present in your diet, such as Omega-3 fats. This type of fat is really good for the heart, as it helps to lower high triglycerides directly.

It is recommended to include this type of fat in the diet at least once a week. You can find it in fish such as:

  • Salmon.
  • Sardines
  • Rainbow trout.
  • Herring.

Another way to increase the consumption of Omega-3 fats is as a dietary supplement. If you want to do it this way, remember to consult your doctor.

Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates

The carbohydrates low quality severely affect your insulin levels. This, in turn, can raise your triglyceride levels. These include foods high in sugar or refined grains such as white flour. To reduce high triglycerides, try to avoid:

  • Sodas
  • Sweet.
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • Honey.
  • Jams
  • Large amounts of juices, even if they are natural fruit.

Consume less alcohol

Drink less alcohol to lower high triglycerides

If you have high triglyceride levels, alcohol should not be part of your diet, as even small amounts can be a big problem. Alcohol has been shown to increase triglyceride levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Some people are more sensitive than others to alcohol, if this is your case and you want to reduce high triglycerides, it would be recommended that you change the alcohol for drinks prepared with mineral water or natural fruit juice.

Just remember to watch the quantity and quality of juice you consume. If despite the recommendation you want to consume alcohol, do so in moderation, limiting yourself to one or two drinks.

With these simple tips you can lower high triglycerides and have a healthy life. Remember to do blood tests and visit your doctor often.

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