How To Prepare Traditional Neapolitan Flan

This time we have selected a recipe especially for those who love desserts. Totally easy and quick to prepare that will make you lick your fingers. Would you like to try a traditional Neapolitan flan?

And the Flan is a dessert used in most cuisines of the world. This is due to the versatility of this dish in question to make multiple combinations with different ingredients.

History of flan

The origin of this dessert dates back to Roman times, when they began to domesticate chickens and incorporate eggs into different recipes. His first name was Tyropatina.

Then, during the Middle Ages, a mixture of eggs, milk and honey originated, which was consumed in the Lenten season. And with the passage of time, ingredients such as pepper were substituted for caramel (due to the sugar cane process).

“Flan” is a French word whose translation is: flat cake. This name was given to it in the 7th century when its elaboration became popular. Therefore, the dessert is considered to have European origin and dates back several centuries.

This delicious delicacy is made with ingredients such as eggs, milk and sugar, cream cheese, and with a “bain-marie” preparation, and a more or less thick caramel coating. Learn about the preparation of the traditional Neapolitan flan below.

Traditional Neapolitan flan


If you plan to make a romantic dinner, or a special meeting, this recipe is ideal for the occasion. Its preparation does not take long, and it is very simple.  We recommend that you taste this sweet delicacy in the company of a lover of cheesecakes and puddings.


  • 6 whole eggs.
  • Cream cheese (380 g).
  • 1/2 cup of water (110 mL).
  • The zest of a lemon (3 g).
  • 1 can of condensed milk (397 mL).
  • 1 cup of evaporated milk (225 mL).
  • 1 cup of granulated white sugar (approximately 200 g).


  • First, take a flan or cake mold and place the sugar along with the water, take them to the stove until the sugar melts and makes a golden caramel.
  • Avoid mixing with a spoon so that it does not crystallize. Then bathe the sides of the mold with movements and reserve.
  • Then, in a blender, place the cream cheese, condensed milk, lemon zest, eggs and evaporated milk.
  • Blend until well blended. (This step can also be done by hand with the help of a whisk).
  • Next, place the mixture inside the mold with the caramel.
  • Proceed to bake in a bain-marie at 180 ºC until set and brown on the surface.
  • The bain-marie is about covering any preparation with aluminum foil and placing it in a larger container with enough water, so that it cooks with steam.
  • Then, take it out of the oven and place a cloth on top to cool it and retain maximum moisture.
  • Once it is cold, run a knife to detach the ends and turn on a tray.
  • Remember that the mold contains liquid so it must be removed from the mold in a suitable tray.

Neapolitan flan with strawberries

Coffee flan

This is a very popular variation of the traditional Neapolitan flan, but just as delicious. You just have to add a few strawberries and a touch of vanilla essence to your preparation.

As a curiosity, did you know that strawberries are full of antioxidants? A study from Oklahoma State University (United States) highlights that they are a source of phytochemicals (ellagic acid, anthocyanins, quercetin and catechin) and vitamins (ascorbic acid and folic acid).

Of course, in this case you must bear in mind that you consume them in a dessert and, therefore, their nutritional quality varies. So, be sure to eat this preparation in moderate portions, as it is high in calories.


  • 6 whole eggs.
  • 10 large strawberries
  • Cream cheese (150 g).
  • 1/2 cup of water (110 mL).
  • 1 cup of evaporated milk (225 mL).
  • 1 can of condensed milk (397 mL).
  • 4 teaspoons of vanilla essence (20 mL).
  • 1 cup of granulated white sugar (approximately 200 g).


  • First, preheat your oven to 180ºC.
  • Then, heat the sugar with the water in a saucepan, while stirring, until it has melted.
  • Stop moving and wait a few seconds for the sugar to turn golden.
  • Remove immediately from heat and pour into a flan or cake mold. You must bathe the sides of the pot with the caramel.
  • Next, blend the strawberries with the evaporated milk, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • In a separate bowl or cup, beat the eggs with the condensed milk. Add the vanilla and cream cheese, and continue beating until the ingredients are well combined.
  • Then add the strawberry smoothie and beat well. Pour into the mold with the hard candy.
  • Lastly, place the mold inside a larger one. Add hot water until it is only halfway through the mold.
  • Bake in a double boiler until set and golden on the surface. This takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes.

To keep in mind!

The consumption of these types of desserts should be occasional, since otherwise they involve too many calories in the diet. If possible, they should be avoided by people who are overweight or have problems such as diabetes. In these cases, it is better to follow all the advice of the nutritionist.

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