How To Reuse Tea Or Coffee Bags

Once we drink a tea or coffee, the most common thing is to throw the bag in the trash. However, tea or coffee bags can be reused in different ways.

This action will not only help the environment by avoiding the accumulation of so much organic waste, but it will also save you money. Surely, you do not know some of the alternative uses that you can give them. Read on and learn how to reuse tea or coffee bags in the next article.

Reuse tea or coffee bags

reuse tea bags

Undoubtedly, this is one of the premises of recycling. If you want to contribute your grain of sand to the planet, then pay attention to the following recommendations to reuse tea and coffee bags.

1. Coffee and tea as organic compost

You can start your own compost at home, whether or not you have a garden. By dumping organic waste (peels and fruit and vegetable waste) you will get well-fertilized black soil for your plants and flowers. And you will avoid so much pollution and diseases!

If you do not dare to do it because you live in a small apartment and you fear bad smells, do not worry:  you can open the bag and throw it in the land of the beautiful flowers that decorate your room.

It will be compost for them and will aromatize your room, the same happens with the coffee grounds. Remember that tea and coffee must be cold and dry when applied in pots to prevent the proliferation of fungi or attract insects.

2. Make a deodorant for the fridge

Both tea and coffee can help you eliminate or neutralize the odors that come from the fridge. This is one of the lesser known properties of these drinks. In fact, that is why they are used to “cleanse” the nose of aromas when one tries various perfumes.

The next time you have a cup of tea, remember to drain the tea bag and place it in the fridge. If you use coffee beans, you can place them in a container covered with cheesecloth. Both options will absorb bad odors.

reuse tea bags

3. Reuse tea or coffee bags as home remedies

Did you know that natural medicine experts recommend using tea bags topically to relieve symptoms of different skin problems? Now, you are aware!

For example, they could be used for bags under the eyes, when a mosquito or flea bites us, as a topical anti-inflammatory or to rest the eyes after using the computer a lot. This is due to the anti-inflammatory effect of tea.

Various studies, such as the one published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research , indicated that black tea and green tea exhibit properties that fight inflammation.

Thus, it could be an interesting idea to always keep some used tea bags in the fridge to use in an emergency. Popular wisdom recommends placing a tea bag on each eyelid after work to improve possible discomforts.

4. Dyeing fabrics with the remains of tea or coffee

For many centuries, tea, among other plants and flowers, has been used as a dye for fabrics. If you put a white cloth in tea, you will make it look old. Do you know the “sepia” style of photographs? Well, something similar.

Therefore, you can reuse the tea bags to change the color of the fabric of the sofa, the curtains or a garment that has already bored you. If you like to make crafts, give the canvases an antique effect.

5. Reuse the tea or coffee bags to make more tea

Surely you have seen your parents or grandparents keep the tea bags in a cup for a few days and then make an infusion or herbal tea with them. The reality is that tea experts argue that it is possible to infuse a tea bag more than once, always increasing the steeping time to extract all the flavor and aroma. You will save a lot of money!

reuse tea bags

6. Reuse tea or coffee bags to reduce cellulite

Have you ever thought about using coffee grounds to prepare an anti-cellulite scrub? According to the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery , massage may help improve the appearance of cellulite.

On the other hand, many cosmetic articles include caffeine among their ingredients, this is because this substance, combined with others such as, for example, retinol, would increase the thickness of the epidermis and this would improve its appearance in general. However, it should be noted that the studies speak of caffeine and not specifically of coffee grounds.

To prepare this natural scrub you will need the used coffee. You place it in a container with several drops of coconut or almond oil and mix until it forms a paste. You take it with your hand and, while you are bathing, you perform circular massages in the areas affected by cellulite (especially buttocks, thighs, belly, legs and arms). Then you rinse and continue to enjoy the bath.

7. Reuse tea or coffee bags to remove bad odor from hands

After cooking certain foods, such as garlic, fish, olives in brine or onion, the hands are left with an odor that is not easily removed, even if we wash several times or put on perfume.

If you’ve left your coffee grounds in a container , feel free to use them so your hands don’t stink. Just take a little and scrub for a few minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.

8. Reuse tea or coffee bags for shinier hair

Woman in shower

Without a doubt, all women want to have shiny and healthy hair like the one in the advertisements for shampoo and conditioner. Certain people argue that it is possible to achieve this result using coffee. It would be a simple and completely natural treatment.

Once you’ve collected several coffee grounds, add boiling water and cool. Filter and pour on your clean and damp hair (after bathing), let it act for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Perform this treatment once a week and it is assumed that after a month you would see the results.

In summary, we have presented you 8 ideas to reuse tea and coffee bags. We hope they have served you and have aroused your curiosity. Above all, we must be careful with the environment. Therefore, the smartest thing to do is learn to recycle and reuse objects, don’t you think?

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