How To Use Tea Bags For The Eyes

Tea bags can help relieve eye conditions, as well as reduce dark circles and bags. Do you dare to put them to the test?

Did you know that tea bags can be used for the eyes? Many of us, due to stress, lack of sleep or even genetics, we may suffer from bags and dark circles that affect the beauty of our face.

Today we are going to discover how we can use different tea bags to solve these problems. If we have a project presentation, a job interview or any other appointment and we want our look to be perfect, we can use the options that we will expose below.

Tea bags

Tea bag in the eye

Caesalpinia pulcherrima

The Caesalpinia pulcherrima , also known as Creole guacamaya, we can help deal with different eye conditions. For example, if we have inflamed eyes after having slept badly or we have many bags, this type of tea bags can be very useful.

This is thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties that this herb has, which also helps reduce inflammation of the liver, lower fever and even treat bronchitis and asthma.

But, used topically, it allows us to reduce dark circles and bags under our eyes. For this, we must prepare a normal infusion and apply the tea bags on each eye. Depending on the severity of our bags we will leave them for fifteen minutes or more.

Camomilla feverfew

Chamomile flowers and infusion

This tea is the well-known chamomile. However, despite the fact that many recommend it to treat some eye infections, it is very important to be careful when using it.

The reason is exposed in the study  Adverse ocular effects of systemic drugs , which warns us that certain people may have sensitivity to some allergens in the herb.

In the event that we are sure that we do not have any type of allergy and that our skin does not react negatively to chamomile, we can benefit from its use. Of course, always tightly closed tea bags so that no piece can enter the eye and cause an infection such as conjunctivitis.

How does chamomile benefit us? Treats inflammation in this sensitive area of ​​our face and allows us to enjoy a more awake look.

Foeniculum vulgare

The Foeniculum vulgare is an herb with infusion of fennel is prepared. Using the tea bags of this herb on the eyes will allow us to relieve tired eyes that can become irritated if we work in front of the computer or have had little rest.

However, it can also help us for other problems:

  • Conjunctivitis : if we apply tea bags on each closed eye for a maximum time of ten minutes, this will help us reduce irritation and itching. Remember that this condition is highly contagious, whether it is viral or bacterial.
  • Blepharitis : it is an inflammation that arises on the edge of the eyelids. It causes inflammation, dryness, tearing and other very annoying symptoms. Fennel tea bags help alleviate these symptoms. It can also help if we have styes.

Advice for dark circles and bags under the eyes

Tea bags eyes

As we have already seen, tea bags help to deal with problems such as dark circles, eye bags, but also with conditions such as conjunctivitis. However, we want to share one last tip aimed at treating dark circles and bags under the eyes. It is about putting the tea bags in the fridge and using them cold.

The cold stimulates circulation and helps the liquids in the eye contour area to drain. Therefore, we can use the aforementioned tea bags. We just have to leave it in the fridge for a few minutes and we will put it on our eyes for ten minutes.

Do you usually have eye problems? Do you have bags and dark circles frequently? We hope that these remedies can help you, but we remind you to be very careful with the chamomile infusion.

In all the tea bags, check that they are properly closed so that nothing can get into your eyes. We encourage you to try these remedies. Will they work for you?

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