Hydrochlorothiazide: Uses And Side Effects

Hydrochlorothiazide is a drug that, in basic terms, works as a diuretic. This means that it stimulates the manufacture and expulsion of urine by the kidneys to reduce the volume of circulating fluid.

It has been used, badly, for therapies that were touted as a miracle in weight loss. However, we can imagine that the effect was false, since it dehydrated people and gave a sensation of mass decrease, when in reality liquid was lost.

Read on to learn more about this drug that has its main function among hypertensive patients. Discover its adverse effects and how it should be used with the appropriate medical indication.

Hydrochlorothiazide uses

Hydrochlorothiazide has two main uses: treating high blood pressure and relieving edema that leads to fluid build-up. It is worth clarifying that not all edemas benefit from this therapy nor do all doses act in the same way.

Regarding high blood pressure, as it is a diuretic, what is promoted is the expulsion of excess fluids to relieve pressure on the arteries of the body. In this disease there is an increase in the force with which the blood hits the arterial walls, so mechanisms are sought to reduce this knocking.

Traditionally, there are three ways to lower blood pressure: slowing the heart rate, widening the dilation of the arteries, or discharging excess fluid from the body. Hydrochlorothiazide is a drug that produces the latter effect.

By affecting the kidney, the drug increases the amount of sodium and chloride that this organ filters. As there will be more sodium in the urine, the electrolyte will carry water due to its chemical properties and this will determine more volume when urinating.

A second property is in the dilation it produces in the small arteries of the body. Although it is less than the diuretic power, it would be what would explain that the tension decreases after 4 weeks of use, and is sustained over time.

Regarding edema, we said that not all of them are treatable with hydrochlorothiazide. They must be accumulations of fluids in the body that respond to heart or kidney failure and, to a lesser extent, liver failure. Otherwise your administration will be in vain.

Hydrochlorothiazide uses

What side effects does it have?

Hydrochlorothiazide has common and rare side effects. Among the first, the main one is the one that is linked to dehydration if the dose is not adequate. This goes hand in hand with an increased loss of electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.

If too much potassium is removed by the drug, the clinical picture will be hypokalaemia or hypokalemia. In severe cases, this leads to a cardiac arrhythmia due to failure of the transmission of the beat in the heart muscle. Also the rest of the muscular tissue suffers and extreme fatigue appears with asthenia.

This medicine is also capable of increasing plasma concentrations of other substances, such as sugar and cholesterol, especially the bad version or LDL. Therefore, it should be prescribed with caution among diabetics and people with hyperlipidemia.

Uncommon adverse reactions include the following:

  • Low blood calcium.
  • Increased uric acid.
  • Decrease in the number of tears in the eyeball.

Serious allergic reactions with anaphylaxis have been reported, but very sporadic. In these situations, the patients suffered thrombocytopenia, which is a decrease in the number of platelets, which led to coagulation failure with the consequent risk of life.

Hydrochlorothiazide interactions

Drug interactions occur when two drugs coincide in actions or metabolic pathways within the body of the same patient. So it can happen that when taking hydrochlorothiazide unwanted effects appear if you are taking another one.

Some products that must be taken into account a lot are antiarrhythmics. As one of the drug’s adverse effects is hypokalemia, this could further disrupt an existing arrhythmia.

Also, another interaction to consider is with lithium. People who consume lithium should have specific values ​​of it in the blood to avoid problems and, at the same time, treat their condition. It is used in bipolar disorder, for example, or schizophrenia.

Hydrochlorothiazide increases lithium levels in the blood by its action on the kidney. By changing the way this organ removes the other drug, it concentrates it in the plasma and its effects are potentiated, to the point of being dangerous.

Another interaction is with sunlight. This drug is capable of overly sensitizing the skin, so hypertensive patients who consume it should take extreme care against UV radiation, using suitable clothing and protectors to block it.

Hydrochlorothiazide interactions

An old drug still useful

Although it is a drug that has been on the market for years, hydrochlorothiazide is still prescribed because its usefulness has been proven. It reduces blood pressure values ​​and reduces edema in heart patients.

It should always be prescribed by a professional, with the appropriate doses and with monitoring of interactions. Although they are not many, they must be considered. This drug can be used safely in most cases, as the adverse reaction profile is well known.

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