Is The Solution For Cellulite Free And Natural?

Fixing the problem of cellulite is something that has kept many women in suspense for years. Is it possible that the solution is simpler than we think?

Diets, creams, treatments, exercise … We have tried almost everything and cellulite can be reduced a little, but it resists disappearing. Although it would be too much to present it as the definitive solution for cellulite, there is a very simple technique with which, in theory, results could be achieved from the first days.

However, it should also be noted that it is a questioned method. Some say that instead of counteracting cellulite, it could even be harmful to the dermis.

Next, we will explain to you which is this so famous – and controversial – 100% natural cellulite remedy, for which, in addition, you only need a few minutes a day.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite on the legs.

Cellulite stands out most of the time as an aesthetic condition but, in reality, it is a disorder of the subcutaneous tissue related to circulation, the hormonal system and genetics. Likewise, as detailed by an investigation by Offarm , it is highly conditioned by diet and exercise.

It appears mainly on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, as accumulations of fat under the connective tissue that give an irregular appearance to the skin.

On the other hand, it tends to be generated progressively and worsens in periods such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause. All of these are stages in which hormones are altered and estrogens generally predominate.

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Why most of the solutions that are presented for cellulite do not work? First of all, because there are no silver bullets. A Mayo Clinic article details complex procedures such as laser treatment, radiofrequency, acoustic waves, or even surgery; each has its potential and its side effects.

When it comes to lifestyle, as mentioned in the aforementioned Offarm publication , diet is essential to eliminate cellulite. However, diets low in calories and fat are not the solution. We must reduce sugars, refined cereals and flours and hydrogenated fats.

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In addition, exercise is essential, so it is also advisable to do medium intensity cardiovascular sports regularly. Physical activity, in addition to preventing overweight, tones the muscles and improves circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Of course, given the above, creams will never be effective on their own. The treatments may give us some good results, in certain cases, but these are usually temporary, and the problem will continue to exist.

For this reason, we need a method that, combined with a good diet and physical exercise, activates circulation and lymphatic drainage effectively. Are there any that actually meet expectations?

Dry brushing

The dry brushing technique is becoming more and more popular, as those who have tried it recommend it without hesitation. However, this runs counter to the lack of scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

To do it, we only need a brush and a few minutes a day. This “treatment” consists of brushing dry skin in all areas where there is cellulite or, if we wish, all over the body.

Beliefs about its effectiveness are disparate. On the one hand, there are those who say that its effect is instantly noticeable, since it is possible to feel how it activates circulation and the skin is much smoother.

On the contrary, there are those who argue that it could be more harmful than beneficial, since the action of the dry brush could irritate the skin. In any case, it is claimed that it is likely to help open pores – due to its exfoliating action – and this would allow better absorption of cellulite creams. That is, it could be beneficial but in an indirect way.

Where to get the brush?

Natural bristle brush

The brush to be used must be natural bristle. It is usually made of wood, and there are normal ones or with a long handle. The latter are designed especially for brushing the back or other areas that are difficult to reach.

They are sold in some pharmacies, herbalists, natural products and beauty stores or online. There are even some specifically for dry brushing.

How do you do it?

Brushing is popularly recommended for 2 to 10 minutes each day. The important thing, say those who support its effectiveness, is to be constant and not stop doing it. The following steps are indicated for its application:

  • On clean and dry skin, brush upwards, starting with the feet.
  • Brushing should be strong, but not hurtful. The skin should be red after brushing. As we previously clarified, this method can irritate the most sensitive skin, so great caution is recommended when applying it.
  • We can go one way and then the other, and go up at the same time.
  • We should brush feet, calves, knees, thighs, buttocks and waist, in that order.
  • We will work the area of ​​the abdomen in a circular way, surrounding the navel in the sense of the intestine.

It can be done at any time of the day. However, it is said that the effects are enhanced if right after brushing you take a shower with cold water or apply a specific anti-cellulite lotion. Of course, it is also possible to do both.

Definitive solution for cellulite: other keys

Beyond the effectiveness or not of this technique, what is really important is to follow the diet and exercise keys that were mentioned previously. These will not only reduce the risk of cellulite, but will also help the body function better in general.

Likewise, it is essential to avoid very tight clothing, as well as too high heels. It is also advisable to eliminate tobacco and alcohol, as they worsen circulation; combat stress, which interferes with any curative treatment that is intended to be carried out; and regulate hormones naturally or with medical treatment, if necessary.

In conclusion, although there is still no definitive solution for cellulite, there are good lifestyle habits that can mitigate it.

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