Learn How To Grow Cinnamon At Home

Cinnamon is extracted from a tree from Sri Lanka. However, you don’t have to go there to look for such a plant. Actually, today it is very easy to grow cinnamon at home to take advantage of all its benefits.

Did you know that cinnamon can be positive for your cardiovascular health? Therefore, growing cinnamon at home is a very smart decision, because you will completely control its growth and you can use it whenever you want. Do you want to know how to do it? Keep reading.

Health benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon has benefits that most people are unaware of. Of oriental origin, it is usually used as an aromatic ingredient in sweet preparations and drinks, among other recipes. However, its consumption is also synonymous with taking care of health and figure.

If you are diabetic, cinnamon can be your ideal complement. Some studies suggest this would help lower blood sugar levels. In fact, several in vitro experiments in humans have yielded positive results.

However, it should be noted that such investigations have not yet been able to determine exactly how this mechanism works, or in what quantities.

Therefore, it is not possible to say that cinnamon (or any food) is a treatment for diabetes. However, this does not mean that its inclusion in a healthy diet (in adequate amounts) cannot be beneficial for people with this problem.

In addition, according to an article published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine in which more than 70 studies on cinnamon were analyzed, it could also be good for lowering cholesterol and promoting wound healing.

It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which could be good for fighting cell-threatening free radicals.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that it stands out for its iron and calcium content. For all this, it can be interesting to grow cinnamon to enjoy all its benefits.

What do you need to grow cinnamon at home?

The rise of organic farming has made having an urban garden very easy. You no longer need to have a plot to grow your own vegetables and spices.

With a space where there is sunlight and access to water, as well as tools that you will find on websites or stores specialized in agriculture, it will be enough.

The items you need are the following:

  • Cinnamon seeds. They are obtained from the black berries that crown the bush in winter. They cannot be eaten, but they will offer you the germ of this wonderful plant.
  • Small pots for its first growth. As is the case in most cases, to grow cinnamon at home, you will have to start with a first moment of ‘incubation’. We will talk about this step later.
  • Medium-sized pots for transplanting. When the seeds have matured, you will have to move the planting to other containers with a larger size. Keep in mind that, at a minimum, it will be about 120 centimeters when it grows up. From there it will depend on your desire and your space.
  • Combination of acidic earth, sphagnum moss and perlite. In order for the spice to thrive, you’ll need a loose, sandy substrate so the water can filter well. Likewise, it is important that it has a high content of organic matter.
  • A bright place, but that does not receive direct sunlight. Prefers humid climates. Therefore, if you want to grow cinnamon at home successfully, the area of ​​the house where you place the containers is essential.

How to grow cinnamon at home?

Cinnamon plant close up.

Next, we proceed to explain how to grow cinnamon at home step by step. You just have to follow these simple tips and you will achieve your goal:

Incubate in a dark area

The natural habitat of cinnamon is in humid areas. Thus, for this first moment, we recommend that you mix the substrate with the seeds and place the container with it in a shady place.

Water it daily

You cannot lack water. The soil that we have proposed is perfect for this, so hydrating it once or twice a day will be enough.

Transplant it at 4 months

After this time, it will be ripe to be placed in the definitive pot. Think carefully about the size of it, since the size of the bush will depend on the container.

Put it in a place with more light

At this point, the seeds will appreciate a little light. However, remember that the sun’s rays cannot reach it directly.

Hydrate it, but without drowning it

At this stage you must take care of your irrigation as at the beginning. Keep in mind that the substrate you use is ideal for keeping moisture. Otherwise, you run the risk of using too much water and thus rotting the roots.

Woman watering the plants.

What other advantages does growing cinnamon have?

With these simple tips you will achieve your goal without much effort. In addition to its nutritional properties, you will dazzle your friends with its precious leaves in summer.

Whether they are yellow or if you opt for white they are an incredible decorative element. All this will be completed with a delicious aroma that will travel your home.

In addition, all the elements that are needed are at your fingertips and are very inexpensive. On the other hand, growing the food you eat yourself is a guarantee of health. Therefore, we encourage you to try this spice full of benefits that will purify your body and sweeten your soul.

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