Properties Of Small Millet Seeds

Millet seeds are a small yellow grain, which provides essential nutrients for good health.

You can prepare it in a similar way to rice or quinoa, simmering it to allow all the water to be absorbed. The result is a very nutritious dish that can be turned into an excellent main dish.

Millet is a source of vitamin E and B vitamins (except vitamin B 12). On the other hand, its mineral content it is quite comparable to other cereals such as sorghum, but the content of calcium and manganese was found to be very high.

It is an ideal and safe food for coeliacs, because it does not contain gluten and you can get your flour without gluten, to prepare your favorite products.

It is a good source of vegetarian protein, as 100 grams of common millet contains 12.45 grams of protein.

What are the benefits of millet seeds in the diet?


Prevents chronic diseases

It contains significant amounts of phenols, which act as antioxidants and help prevent oxidative stress and damage to the body caused by free radicals.

Keep in mind that a diet rich in antioxidants can help prevent degenerative diseases, such as:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Mellitus diabetes.

It is a perfect food for people with Diabetes Mellitus

diet for prediabetes

Millet can be a good substitute for rice for some diabetics. This has been seen in  research such as the one published in 2011 by the magazine Journal of Food Science and Technology , which reveal the benefits of millet in type 2 diabetes.

Good option for vegetarians

It contains high amounts of methionine, which is an amino acid that is often deficient in most grains, giving millet a valuable place in a vegetarian diet.

Acts as a systemic anti-inflammatory

E n cases where the intestinal lining may become inflamed, in conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease or certain drug reactions.

Other properties

In addition, it is one of the most energetic cereals and one of the richest in iron. Therefore, it is recommended in cases of physical weakness, fatigue, anemia, asthenia, etc. It is also very appropriate for athletes, to combat exhaustion and allow recovery after physical effort.

It is an easy cereal to add to the diet and that can provide benefits to our health. What are you waiting to try it?

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