Protein Shakes Help To Regain Muscle Mass In The Elderly, According To Study

Aging causes progressive loss of muscle, which causes a deterioration in health and an increased risk of illness. However, with a good diet and with adequate supplementation it is possible to regain muscle mass in the elderly.

The truth is that one of the parameters that determines the risk of death is grip strength, as a measure of muscle activation. This variable is closely related to the amount of lean mass in the body. Experiencing a catabolism of it is usually always a bad sign.

What is whey protein?

Whey protein is a supplement obtained from the microfiltration of milk particles. With this physical-chemical process it is possible to obtain only the protein of the product, discarding other components, such as fat. A part of lactose is carried along with the nutrient, although it depends on the method used.

You have probably heard that whey protein is used in athletes and this is true. Protein supplements are able to stimulate muscle growth in the context of physical activity, in addition to improving recovery capacity.

However, the latest research has shown that they can be consumed in many more cases to obtain health benefits. Thus, the effect to regain muscle mass in the elderly is evaluated.

Cow's milk to make supplements.

What do studies say about protein’s ability to help regain muscle mass?

According to a study published in the journal Nutrients , whey protein supplements are capable of increasing lean mass in older people who exercise. It is an excellent product to regain muscle and to help increase strength values.

Likewise, it is possible to find other recent research also published in Nutrients , which states that the use of whey protein in the elderly helps to reverse the effects of sarcopenia. This pathology causes loss of muscle and muscle strength. In addition, it is related to a poor prognosis due to decreased functionality.

Finally, we must highlight an essay published in the Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle in which it is described how supplementation with whey protein improves body composition. Thus, it can be concluded that the supplement helps to regain muscle mass in the elderly.

Other sources of protein available to regain muscle mass

Whey protein supplements are not the only source of muscle mass recovery in the elderly. This effect is also achieved through the intake of fresh foods, such as meat or fish.

Specifically, the consumption of oily fish is recommended. These foods have fatty acids from the omega 3 series.

These lipids have the ability to delay and reverse the sarcopenia process. They are considered to help prevent muscle catabolism and modulate inflammation.

Even the consumption of eggs is highly recommended in order to regain muscle mass. These foods were very badly considered in the past for being a source of cholesterol and saturated fat. However, this assessment has changed today.

Eggs are capable of providing vitamin D, in addition to macronutrients. This element is closely related to muscle strength and general health. It manages to modulate the inflammatory mechanisms and avoid the development of complex pathologies.

Eggs provide vitamin D and protein.

Importance of good habits and exercise

It is clear that diet is an essential component when the goal is to preserve lean mass or regain lost muscle. However, it is good to take a series of preventive measures in this regard. In this sense, it is necessary to guarantee the practice of physical exercise, as well as adequate rest.

We must prioritize, above all, strength work. This kind of exercise activates the anabolic pathways of metabolism and keeps the muscle active. Helps you grow and reach a functional state.

It is possible to regain muscle mass in the elderly

As you have seen, effective strategies can be put into practice to regain muscle mass in the elderly. The first of these may be whey protein supplementation. But in addition, it is necessary to guarantee that the daily protein requirements are covered through the intake of fish, meat and eggs.

Also, you have to pay attention to physical exercise and habits. Getting adequate rest and exposure to the sun is key. Through exposure to sunlight, vitamin D is endogenously generated. This nutrient is closely related to muscle strength levels and anabolic capacity.

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