Recommended Foods According To Your Horoscope

To begin, it is suggested to make an important clarification: not all people are governed by the same belief system, even if they were born in the same country with the same religion and culture. When talking about the foods that are recommended according to the zodiacal signs, it is advisable to understand that this obeys the knowledge of popular culture, that is, there is so far no scientific study that supports the type of diet for each person based on the date of birth.

This study carried out at the National University of Mar de Plata says that the importance of food is due to other concepts, for example, the quality of food, the type of diet that is being done based on the rhythm of life, the system of work and metabolism. In some cases there are those who decide to go on diets to improve their lifestyle. This could be explained as follows: some people may have cosmetic goals when doing some diets while others may have health-related reasons, for example heart problems or obesity.

What is the horoscope?

A horoscope is an interpretation that some cultures have given to the present and the future throughout history. The best known is the western horoscope; however, it is not the only one that exists.

It is known of at least the existence of a dozen of them, among which can be mentioned, for example: the alchemist horoscope, composed of 10 signs that have names from the table of the elements, the Arabic, which consists of 12 signs with names of medieval weapons that symbolize the capacities to face life.

Likewise, there is the Aztec, Celtic and Chinese horoscope. The latter is made up of 12 signs with names of common animals of the territory. It is characterized because each sign has a year to reign. You can also find the Egyptian horoscope, the Hindu, the Mayan, the Orisha and the Wuykü,  very little known indeed.

Another concept explains that horoscopes are prediction methods based on the position of the stars at the time of the person’s birth. In this study carried out in Switzerland, the signs of the zodiac are defined  as a topic to be exposed from the perspective of development and spiritual evolution, emphasizing esoteric content.

Either way, horoscopes have been part of the development of many cultures. Today, in particular, we will be talking about the western zodiac horoscope.

The zodiacal horoscope is represented as a circle divided into 12 parts: the 12 astrological houses that are related to the signs that govern people and the movement of the heavenly bodies. Although mathematical and astronomical calculations are used to make the predictions, which should be identical regardless of who made them, the interpretations are subjective and depend on the experience and training of the astrologer.

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What are the recommended foods according to your horoscope?

According to the horoscope, each zodiac sign is prone to affect certain organs. Below you can read some suggestions based on the classification of the zodiac sign, whether it is a sign of fire, air, wind or earth.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

There is so much to do and so little time. Fire signs are believed to prefer fast foods, meaning foods that are high in fat and sugar. That is why they often suffer from liver and circulatory system disorders. They are recommended cleansing, energetic and high fiber foods such as legumes, soybeans, fish, green leafy vegetables and fruits.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

You need lightness and energy but you tend to retain fluids. This can be avoided if you include diuretic fruits in your diet, either natural or in the form of juices. A good option is citrus. Consume raw vegetables such as lettuce and tomato that will provide you with the vitamins you need. Moderate the salt in your meals.


* Recommended foods: red fruits

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You go out of your way for meat, but only simple, low-cholesterol foods will keep your heart in shape. Choose low-fat meats and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and E. Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol and, of course, butter.

* Recommended foods: citrus

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Your weak point is the hips and thighs, so you should avoid fat at all costs. Unfortunately, you love fried foods. Opt for steamed cooking, eggs, and meats that are well cleaned of fat. Detoxify your body with tropical fruits, vegetables and whole foods.

See also: 6 recommendations to lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL)


* Recommended foods: lean meats

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Signs that belong to this element enjoy a good table and a good bed. Their slow metabolism and sedentary lifestyle can lead them to become overweight.

It is highly recommended that they consume vegetables in multicolored salads, pleasant to the taste and sight, the most appropriate fruits are cherry and fig and, as a main course, chicken and seafood.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

The throat is your most delicate area. You especially enjoy the pleasures of the table, which is why you tend to be overweight. You may experience frequent gastrointestinal problems.

The solution is simple: eat whole foods, cereals and vegetables that will help you control your appetite and, whenever possible, avoid eggs, legumes, meats with a lot of fat and highly processed sweets.

* Recommended food: lemon

Lemon diet

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You probably enjoy cooking as much as eating, so take care of your digestive system. Start the day with a healthy breakfast, where fresh fruit and foods rich in fiber predominate . The rest of the day, keep your energy high by consuming potatoes, cooked legumes, carrots, eggs and fish. Stay away from red meat and coffee.

* Recommended foods: fruits.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)

The greatest weakness is the bones and teeth, so you need foods rich in calcium and magnesium to strengthen them and promote muscle relaxation. Eat dairy, gelatin, lots of vegetables, and nuts.  Limit sugary drinks during your meal.

* Recommended foods: dairy.


Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

According to the horoscope, emotions rule these signs, and this influences their diet. They are prone to fluid retention,  so it is advisable to avoid excess salt in meals. They need to eat a lot of protein.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Fruits and vegetables

You must take care of your nervous system. The natives of this sign often suffer from anxiety, digestive disorders and fluid retention. So, Cancer, eat crisp and fresh vegetables, fruits and legumes because you need vitamins E, H and K and iodine. Dairy products are very good for you, as are lemon and chamomile infusions. Avoid products made with flour and hot sauces.

* Recommended foods: vegetables and dairy.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Protect your reproductive organs, especially your genitals. You probably like spicy foods, rich in spices, so you are susceptible to stomach ulcers and gastritis. Your habits are usually very variable so you need a little order: tasty fruits, legumes, vegetables and meat dishes.  Avoid spiciness, excess salt, and fast foods.

* Recommended foods: tropical fruits.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Highly seasoned dishes and alcoholic beverages are your weakness, banquets your downfall. So you better choose to make hearty breakfasts and light dinners. It is important that you take care of your urinary system.

In your diet you should include dairy, vegetables, fruits and seafood. Avoid meats with a lot of fat, salty and highly seasoned foods and moderate your alcohol consumption.

* Recommended foods: cheese.

Vegan cheese

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Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

The air is very fickle, for these signs meal times do not exist. A balanced diet of five meals a day and plenty of fluids (preferably water) is all they need. They should choose whole grain products, fruits with high water content, cucumbers, legumes, river fish and eggs.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

The lungs are your Achilles heel . Enriching your diet with foods that provide you with iron, calcium, and vitamin C will help you fight respiratory tract infections. Yes, usually your way of eating is quite messy. But we suggest you eat dishes based on meats and salads, add seeds, innovate and have fun. Coffee, tea, and sodas could affect you.

* Recommended foods: carrot, lemon and walnuts.

carrot juice Food Thinkers

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your most sensitive organs are the kidneys. That is why you need to consume a lot of water and delicious infusions of chamomile, lemon balm or linden to avoid kidney infections and eliminate toxins. Healthy homemade food favors you. Avoid ultra-processed foods, coffee, and heavy meals.

* Recommended foods: water and artichoke

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)

If you are a native of this sign, you must take good care of your circulatory system and your pancreas because you can easily suffer from gout and diabetes. The consumption of chicken, turkey and fish and dairy is recommended.

Also raw or cooked cereals and vegetables that lower your blood uric acid levels and promote its excretion. Avoid the consumption of sugars, refined flours, precooked foods and sodas.

* Recommended foods: cereals and whole grain products

chiot's run whole wheat bread

Also check: The benefits of substituting commercial cereal for whole grain

Final note

Finally, we must once again emphasize the importance of understanding that our diet is subject to a series of elements that have little or nothing to do with our zodiac sign. That is, regardless of our date of birth, we must be sure that, when we eat, we are consuming quality food.

In addition to this, it is recommended to do a little physical exercise, as well as rest a minimum of 7 or 8 hours a day and, why not?, Add a few minutes to do meditation, yoga or some breathing exercise. In conclusion, the idea is to do what is in our power to lead a healthy, balanced and responsible lifestyle.

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