Sinusitis In Children: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Sinusitis in children is a fairly common complication after a respiratory infection or a cold. So much so that it is estimated that almost 10% of children with colds can present it. Most of the time it is a mild and easy to treat condition.

The paranasal sinuses are cavities found in the skull, near the nose. They are covered by a mucosa, and the space is occupied by air. What happens in sinusitis is that this mucosa becomes inflamed due to an infection by a microorganism.

In many cases, the pathology is not even diagnosed and remits on its own, but in others it is necessary to establish a treatment. In this article we explain everything you need to know about sinusitis in children.

What are the symptoms of sinusitis in children?

Sinusitis in children can be acute or chronic. When symptoms last more than three months is when chronicity is determined. Most often, this pathology appears between 5 and 7 days after a cold.

It usually manifests with fever and practically the same symptoms as the cold. For example, it is normal for a child to have a stuffy nose and a lot of runny nose. In addition, there is usually a cough that is worse at night.

A characteristic symptom is headache. Some children feel pressure behind the eyes or a toothache. This happens due to the force that is produced inside the sinuses, due to inflammation and mucus. Bad breath, loss of smell, or even alterations in the sensitivity of the face are possible signs.

sinusitis in children

What Causes Sinusitis in Children?

Sinusitis in children is more common than in adults. This seems to be due to the fact that the breasts in the child are smaller, and the hole through which the secretions are drained as well. Therefore, it is easier for it to become clogged and the mucus not to flow properly.

When mucus gets trapped inside the sinuses, germs proliferate more easily and infection occurs. The obstruction may be due to a deviated nasal septum, or there are polyps at the outlet of the canal.

On the other hand, there are a number of factors that increase the risk of sinusitis. For example, children who suffer from allergic rhinitis or who have a weak immune system. In the same way, going to day care centers could promote them, since the risk of infections increases.

Child in kindergarten

Which is the treatment?

First of all, we must say that there are certain ways to prevent sinusitis in children. Using humidifiers at home during the winter is a good option. When the air is too dry, it is easier for the mucosa to become irritated.

Also, it should be noted that sinusitis is not contagious in itself. What is contagious is the cold that may have caused it. Therefore, when someone has a cold or sick, it is recommended to avoid contact with children.

In the event that the origin of sinusitis is a virus, it is not necessary to treat it with antibiotics. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken for pain, or saline solutions to clear the nose. When sinusitis in children is bacterial in origin, antibiotics are often prescribed.

Sinusitis are benign pathologies, but be careful

Before any symptoms of sinusitis, we must go to the doctor. If it is a child, it will be the parents who will have to be alert to detect the beginning of the picture and act accordingly.

In winter times, and during the school period, respiratory symptoms are more frequent. Colds, sore throats, otitis media and even sinusitis, invade kindergartens and schools. If the doctor indicates rest of the child, it must be strictly observed, to stop the spread of germs and not infect other children.

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