Some Feng Shui Bases To Harmonize Our Home

It is possible that you have heard of feng shui or that someone you know has advised you some of its principles to improve the balance of your home.

Some proposals are difficult to carry out on the floors of cities or in old houses. However, there are guidelines that we can easily apply to achieve very significant improvements.

Discover in this article how feng shui can help you make your home more harmonious, pleasant and welcoming with some very simple and practical changes.

What is feng shui?

Feng shui is an ancient oriental method for improving our environment based on ancestral knowledge to  improve the harmony and balance of the people who inhabit it.

Based on the Yin and Yang of Chinese philosophy, feng shui tries to balance the energies (Chi) that flow in living spaces, through the harmonious integration of opposites.

Feng means wind and Shui water, together they represent that balance and harmony.

To achieve this we must take into account:

  • The distribution of the furniture
  • The lighting
  • Ventilation
  • The color of the walls
  • Mirrors and decorative elements
  • Also some more difficult factors to change, such as the location of the building.

Below we detail some of the feng shui keys to harmonize a space in a simple way and achieve great benefits for our well-being.

The front door

The front door to the home is of vital importance, since its symbolism is essential when welcoming us every day, as well as to receive our guests.

It must be a large, robust and clear door, that can be opened wide, and that leads us through an unobstructed path towards the first room of the house.

front door

Light is energy

In our home there must be light, either natural or electric, to achieve a warm and pleasant atmosphere. We will always opt for natural light and large windows.

When this is not possible, we can choose lamps, candles and other luminous elements.

On the contrary, at night we should avoid any type of light in the bedroom, no matter how small, as it would interfere with our rest.

The bathrooms

Bathrooms should always be discreetly located. That is, they should never be visible from the hall, kitchen or living room.

For this we will study well the location of the doors and even the opening angle. We can also count on the help of screens or curtains to hide them when their access is direct from a main room.

Another detail that stands out in feng shui is the toilet seat, which should always be down. More than an aesthetic issue, it is a flow of energy that could cause us economic losses.


The kitchen of plenty

The kitchen is a very important point of the home, as it symbolizes the wealth and abundance of the family.

The transformation of food by means of water and fire becomes a very suitable process to obtain greater benefits.

Therefore, the hobs must be far or apart from the sink to establish a distance between these two opposing elements.

In addition, we will avoid that the person who is cooking has his back to the entrance door to the kitchen.

Finally, we will incorporate elements of wood and fresh fruit or natural flowers to give a lively and colorful touch to the kitchen.

A harmonious rest

The bedroom is the room for privacy and relaxation, and should not have any other function.

It is not recommended to use this room for any type of work, as it could unbalance the space.

Below we highlight the keys for energy to flow in your bedroom, according to the principles of feng shui:

  • Choose natural fabrics and materials, as well as pastel and soft colors. You can include some more vivid color details, such as red, but it should be in a small amount.
  • The head of the bed should point to the north or east.
  • Mirrors that reflect the bed should be avoided.
  • There should be no objects under the bed or on the headboard, as they make it difficult to rest at night.

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