Stuffed Puff Pastry Sandwiches

The filled puff pastry sandwiches are simply delicious, you can also use a wide variety of ingredients to fill them and thus give a range of flavors and textures to your preparations.

Puff pastry bread goes very well with ingredients as diverse as vegetables, meats, cheeses, even fruits. So pay close attention, because we will give you some ideas for which you will use a common ingredient, in this case puff pastry bread.

But before you start, we recommend using some small molds, they can be the ones you use to prepare the quiche in case your filling is very liquid, or wrap the puff pastry like a diaper if your filling is solid.

Use different types of filling to give a great surprise to your family and guests. Remember to use ingredients that go well with a medium baking process.

For solid fillings,  fold the dough in half to make it thicker and cut it in half. Put the pieces of dough on a baking sheet and then put a little filling in the center of each one.   Wrap the dough tightly to prevent it from coming off and leave it to bake at 170 ° C for as long as needed (normally it rarely takes more than 15 minutes)

Puff pastry sandwiches filled with cooked ham

stuffed mushrooms

  • One option to make fillings is to chop about 100 grams of finely cooked ham.
  • Then add coarse grated cheese (it can be mozzarella or double cream). Add pepper to the mixture and stir well.
  • Spoon the filling on the puff pastry, cover it well and take it to the oven.

Puff pastry sandwiches filled with caramelized apple

  • Take 2 sweet and fresh apples. Remove the skin and cut them into cubes. Leave them resting in a little water with lemon juice, this will prevent them from rusting.
  • Put butter in a pan and when it is melted, add the apple cubes after draining them.
  • Stir generously and when they turn caramelized, add 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Leave cooking until it dries a bit, then use the final product to fill your sandwiches.

Puff pastry sandwiches filled with tuna and spinach

  • Put half a kilo of spinach to cook after you have washed them very well. Cool them with tap water, drain them and cut them finely.
  • In a separate container, melt butter and add a can of tuna, let it cook for a few minutes and pour in the spinach. If you prefer, you can season with a tablespoon of soy sauce.
  • Remove it from the heat when it has dried a bit and put everything in a deep bowl, to which you will add, in addition to the tuna and spinach, a whole egg and grated cheese.
  • Season to taste and use this mixture as a filling in your puff pastry bread.

Puff pastry sandwiches filled with strawberries and Nutella


  • Put half a kilo of strawberries to rest for thirty minutes in water with a lot of sugar. Chop the strawberries into slices, you will see how they have been, sweet and juicy.
  • Helping you with a spoon, put enough Nutella on the puff pastry, add the strawberries and seal them well.

Puff pastry sandwiches filled with broccoli and sausage

  • Wash the broccoli well in a little warm water, cut it into small shoots and cook until al dente.
  • Also, in a pot, bring water to boil, chop a potato into squares and add it to it.
  • In a frying pan, fry the crumbled sausage in butter and add sliced ​​mushrooms, the broccoli al dente and the potatoes.
  • In a separate bowl, slice ricotta cheese with a fork, then add the vegetables and sausage. Season everything with black pepper and use this as a filling.

Puff pastry sandwiches filled with cheese

  • Take 2 of your favorite cheeses, try those whose flavors are easy to differentiate. Use them grated or crushed with a fork and add to whichever has the mildest flavor blueberry jam and the other cheese, season with ground black pepper.
  • Put a teaspoon of each cheese on the puff pastry, trying not to mix them, so you will have a sandwich with a varied and surprising flavor.

Still haven’t tried these stuffed puff pastry sandwiches? Now that you have several options, surprise your family. Feel free to eat them during snacks or on a picnic.

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