Tachycardia Symptoms And Remedies

Tachycardia is an irregular rise in heart rate. You can control it with some natural remedies. Find out more here.

Tachycardia is a heart disorder characterized by an irregular elevation of the heart rate . Many times  it does not cause symptoms or lead to other diseases. However, if left untreated it can lead to serious heart complications.

Thus, it is vitally important that you go to a doctor if you suffer from it. Tachycardia can be caused by many different factors, including  most common are the following:

  • The afraid.
  • Fever.
  • The anxiety.
  • The exercise.
  • Nicotine
  • The hypertension.
  • Consumption of narcotic drugs ( amphetamines,  cocaine).

Symptoms of tachycardia

Remember to inform your doctor of any unusual cardiovascular activity. Some of your symptoms may be signs of a heart attack or stroke. When your heart rate rises, you can have symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness .
  • Fainting.
  • Short of breath.
  • Chest pain.
  • Strong heart palpitations.

Keys and remedies to relieve tachycardia

Going to the doctor should be on the priority list when you have tachycardia. A medical evaluation is always necessary. If the tachycardia is not caused by a serious problem (ruled out by a doctor), these remedies can help to control it:


Potassium foods.

When the heart is racing for abnormal reasons, it is indicating that your blood pressure is out of control. At that time your heart is having a hard time pumping blood to your extremities.

Potassium is a great vasodilator that can help lower blood pressure and to avoid tachycardia by relaxing the tension in the arteries and blood vessels.  This is very easy to find in foods like:

  • Mushrooms
  • Oatmeal.
  • Tomato.
  • Seeds.
  • Avocado.
  • Vegetables.
  • Integral rice.
  • Fruits such as banana, green apple, coconut and melon.

High fiber diet

One of the main causes of arteriosclerosis and hypertension is arterial plaque, which can build up over time and cause tachycardia.   Fiber, in addition to being excellent for your digestion It also “scrapes” your cardiovascular system and removes said plaque. 

This helps your blood flow smoothly and allows your heart to return to its normal resting state. A study showed that a high fiber diet can lower the risk of coronary heart disease, even in smokers.

Cayenne pepper

Although you might think that spicy ingredients like this will only heat your body and make your heart beat even faster, cayenne pepper has an active ingredient called capsaicin. Is works to reduce inflammation in the body and works as an antioxidant magnificent that can be of great benefit to the health of your heart.

Coconut water

Glass of green coconut water with lemon.

One of the most impressive benefits of coconut water is its great ability to balance electrolytes. As a consequence, it is   reestablished  fluid balance and your blood pressure.

Coconut water has been proven through studies to lower systolic blood pressure. The  you can find it very easily in most stores and it can significantly reduce your chances of developing tachycardia.

Valerian root

Valerian is a legendary sedative that has been used for centuries as a help for people who cannot fall asleep. It also serves to relieve stress, as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

When it comes to eliminating tachycardia, it is very effective, as it keeps your body and mind in a state of relaxation.   Other plants with sedative properties that can work for you are lemon balm and linden.

Avoid stimulants

Stimulants like caffeine and the nicotine are two stimulating substances that can  interfere with the base cycles of energy that your body has , leading to tachycardia.  Consider starting tea and ditching cigarettes for your heart health.


Meditation is a practice that can help you have general levels of stress  lower, which can be a major contributor when trying to decrease tachycardia. Like mindfulness , you can practice it formally or informally, depending on your preference.

Anxiety triggers you to release adrenaline and puts your body on alert. This fighting reaction is good in situations where you are in danger, but when it is habitual it wreaks havoc on your heart .

Relieve and prevent tachycardia … by exercising. Of the best!

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Although this may sound a bit counterintuitive, exercise is a wonderful way to put your heart at rest.  By keeping your heart healthy and your pulse under control, exercise improves your metabolism.

When you give your body an outlet for all that extra energy and stress hormones, you automatically make yourself less likely to have your heart suddenly start pounding.

Tachycardia is usually a precursor of more serious clinical pictures that home remedies will not always be able to solve You should consider these as a secondary option that you can use once you have made an appointment with your doctor and are one hundred percent sure that there is no immediate danger of any kind.

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