Tangerine Liqueur

It is not necessary to buy mandarin liqueur: you can prepare it at home in a very easy way and with few ingredients.

The good news is that later you can use it in all kinds of desserts or as a drink before going to sleep. Learn various recipes to obtain this “concoction” in the following article.

Mandarin liqueur recipe n ° 1

Since mandarin is a tasty, very aromatic and versatile citrus fruit, you can take advantage of it to make homemade liquor. Serve it along with dessert, for example, or give it away for a special date.


  • 10 ripe tangerines
  • 10 cloves
  • 700 ml of brandy or cognac
  • 1 and a half cups of sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups of water


How to make homemade mandarin liqueur

  1. Wash the tangerines well without pressing them too hard.
  2. Prick each one with a fork and place a clove in that hole.
  3. In a large jar with a tight lid, place the tangerines and add the brandy.
  4. Close tightly and let it rest, in a dark and dry place for 3 weeks.
  5. Once that time has elapsed, make a syrup with equal parts water and sugar: both are placed in a saucepan and left to boil for 3 minutes.
  6. Strain the alcohol from the bottle with tangerines and add the syrup when it is completely cold.
  7. Close the jar or place in individual bottles.
  8. Let it rest for two weeks in a place with the same characteristics and then place it in the fridge to drink cold.

Mandarin liqueur recipe n ° 2

This is a slight variation on the previous recipe, although the procedure is very similar.


  • 1 kg and ¼ ripe mandarin oranges
  • 750 cm3 of pure 95 ° alcohol
  • 750 grams of sugar
  • 750 cm3 of water
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • 2 grams of cinnamon stick


  1. Remove the white parts of the mandarin and marinate the peels together with the spices in a jar where you will also put the alcohol.
  2. Close well and store in a dry and warm place for 12 days.
  3. After that time, prepare the syrup, with three cups of sugar and three of water: boil both ingredients and let cool.
  4. Mix the syrup in the mandarin jar with alcohol.
  5. Filter and move to a new jar or bottle.
  6. Let it rest for 1 month and it is ready to enjoy.

Mandarin liqueur recipe n ° 3

This drink is known by the name “Mandarinetto” in many countries. You can serve it well chilled after lunch or dinner, since it is estimated that it has digestive powers (being ideal after large meals).

Original recipe from Italy

  • 1 liter of alcohol for cooking
  • 1 kilo of tangerines
  • 1 liter and a half of mineral water
  • 500 grams of sugar



  1. Wash the tangerines well, since you will only use the peels (nothing is wasted in gastronomy, everything is used).
  2. To marinate the fruits with the alcohol, peel the tangerines as finely as possible and remove the white parts (otherwise a bitter liquor will remain).
  3. Put the alcohol in a jar, glass if possible, and let it marinate for approximately 5 days, in a place where it does not receive sunlight and is not hot or humid.
  4. After that time, it is necessary to make the syrup. To do this, place a liter and a half of water and half a kilo of sugar in a saucepan, heat until it breaks the boil, while stirring with a wooden spoon.
  5. Turn off the heat and let it cool down to room temperature.
  6. When the syrup is cold, it is mixed with the tangerine peels macerated with alcohol. Use a coffee filter so that the husks are not part of the drink.
  7. Place this resulting thick liquid in a bottle or glass jar with a hermetic lid and let it set for 6 days, always in a dark, dry and warm place.
  8. After this time, you can start enjoying it in all kinds of sweet preparations or also as a drink before or after eating.

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