The 5 Best Remedies For Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks are a problem that causes a lot of worry, fear and insecurity to those who suffer from it. These attacks are related to an imbalance of the nervous system and a loss of control of our own body.

In this article we share the best remedies for anxiety attacks, so that we can prevent or stop them. For this we can use some simple techniques or natural solutions based on medicinal plants. 

About anxiety

Anxiety crisis

To understand anxiety we must bear in mind that this disorder can be related to different factors:

  • Traumas or emotional blocks
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Nutritional deficits
  • Exciting substance abuse

Therefore, to address anxiety attacks we will have to review these issues. We must try to lead a life as healthy as possible, with a balanced diet and good exercise habits, contact with nature, recreational activities, etc.

We must also treat the person with the appropriate professionals on a psychological and emotional level. We will always start from the premise that the person with anxiety has an internal conflict. You may be doing something that you really don’t want to do.

Remedies for anxiety attacks

1. Eye movements

Eye movements could decrease the emotional intensity of anxiety, as well as panic states, phobias or post-traumatic stress. In general, people who suffer from anxious or depressive states tend to look down, towards the ground. Therefore, at the first symptoms of an anxiety crisis, we should try to look up to combat these emotional states.

However, any type of eye movement could be beneficial. Make circles in both directions, horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines, or look towards the nose.

2. Breathing

Breathing is another key issue to prevent or combat anxiety attacks and any type of nervous disorder. As we become upset, our breathing also becomes blocked and becomes short, shallow, interrupted.

We must try to calm ourselves enough to be able to focus on the breath. In this way we will divert our attention to ourselves and we can fight to regain balance.

We can sit or lie down, if possible, to make sure we take a deep breath. As we inhale, we will fill the abdomen and then the chest. When exhaling, we will do it in reverse, emptying the chest and then the abdomen. We can put our hands on our torso to do it more easily.

3. Essential oils

Essential oils are an excellent natural method to balance the nervous system in a sensory and pleasant way. Not only can we discover oils with relaxing properties, but we can also be  guided by our favorite aromas or those that transport us to states of joy and serenity.

The oils that we can use as remedies for anxiety attacks are the following:

  • Lavender
  • Bergamot
  • Orange
  • Marjoram
  • Cedar
  • Basil
  • Cypress
  • rose
  • Chamomile

We can make a topical use, combining them with our creams or body lotions. We can also use an aromatic diffuser in our home. However, in times of crisis we can inhale them directly.

4. Magnesium sulfate bath

Relaxing bath for anxiety attacks

Magnesium is a mineral with relaxing properties on the nervous system. We can take it as a daily supplement to prevent crises and, at the same time, improve our health in general.

However, at the time of crisis, if we have a bathtub available, we recommend opting for a magnesium sulfate bath (Epsom salts). Not only will we achieve a sedative effect, but at the same time it will also revitalize our body.

  • 5 tablespoons of Epsom salts (100 g) in a bathtub is the recommended dose.

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5. Rescue Remedy

A natural remedy that works very quickly is the Rescate preparation, which belongs to Bach flowers; These are a mixture of flower essences suitable as remedies for anxiety attacks or of any kind. We can always carry a small pot of this combination of plants to hand to take when we need it.

The Rescue remedy balances our emotions in acute situations such as anxiety attacks, accidents, sudden bad news, shock states  , etc. We will only have to take it continuously until we calm down as much as possible.

We must emphasize that this remedy has no contraindications or side effects. Therefore, it can be taken even by children or pregnant women. You do not have any risk of interaction with any medications.

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