The 5 Best Tips If You Are Going To Start Practicing Yoga

Although it may seem like a practice without major complications, before starting yoga you should take into account some factors to get the most out of each session. We tell you.

Although it is thousands of years old, yoga has spread throughout the world in the last century. However, it is important to learn to perform this discipline correctly. Here are some tips that will be useful if you are going to start practicing yoga.

It is no coincidence that yoga has increased in popularity, as its benefits are reflected in the millions of people who do it. However, to take advantage of these benefits, it is convenient to be aware of some issues related to its practice.

In this sense, it is advisable to spend some time researching the correct practice of yoga. You don’t need to be an expert, but having a few simple notions of the guidelines to follow will always help.

1. Why have you decided to start practicing yoga?

In order not to be disappointed or wasting your time, it is important to know the purpose of yoga. This practice does not offer immediate or amazing results; It is a very gradual discipline, with which the mind, body and spirit are worked on every day.

In fact, for many it is also a lifestyle. The objective is, through breathing, relaxation, meditation and different postures, to seek self-knowledge. For this reason, you must be clear that yoga is a long road.

It is a way of trying to connect with yourself, to discover yourself and let go of the psychological burden that you carry. Through yoga, in any of its styles, you can bring clarity to your thinking, energy to your body and peace to your spirit.

All this is not small, but it is also important to note that yoga offers various physical benefits. According to a Medline Plus publication, these include improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress, promoting good rest and proper digestion, and alleviating pain in the body, such as lower back pain.

yoga pose in eight

2. Choose the right time

Nowadays, it is common to have a rhythm of life with a lot of activity. Every day, work hours and commitments take up most of the day. To this are added the obligations and time of home and family. For this reason, when practicing yoga it is very important to choose the right time.

You should look for a time of day in which you do not have any interruptions. It has to be a moment in which you can dedicate some time, calmly and without worries.

Many people choose the first hours of the morning to do yoga. In this way, you already face the rest of the day with another type of energy, vibration and encouragement. Of course, it is recommended that a few hours have passed after eating before doing physical activity.

3. Silence can be your best friend

One of the biggest distractions when practicing yoga is noise. For this reason, as far as possible, it  is convenient to use the most isolated room or room from the outside. In this sense, there are quite inexpensive methods of soundproofing a room.

Remember that the less external stimuli there are, the easier it will be to focus on the yoga session. Therefore, the results will be better.

For example, focusing on proper breathing technique is important to reap the benefits of yoga for diabetes prevention and heart function, according to research published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism .

Taking into account the importance of having a calm and pleasant environment that encourages relaxation, it is advisable to avoid any agent that distracts the senses, such as:

  • Unpleasant or very strong odors.
  • Overexposure to strong light.
  • Dense or loaded environments.
  • Small or poorly ventilated room.

yoga posture

4. What does it take to start practicing yoga?

One of the advantages of practicing yoga is that it does not require large economic expenses. With very little material, you can achieve great results. However, there are two important recommendations.

First of all, you should wear light clothing, which does not compress the body and allows good mobility and flexibility. You will also have to avoid all kinds of necklaces, watches, bracelets, chains that can bother you.

In this way, you can perform postures that will bring you various benefits for your physical condition, and even help you fight common problems such as low back pain, according to a study published by the Annals of Internal Medicine .

The second requirement is a simple mat or a blanket or bedspread to carry out the session. It is important that the material is not slippery, in order to perform the postures correctly.

5. Where can you do yoga?

It is very common to see small groups of yoga in the early hours of the morning outdoors. Receiving the sun by doing this exercise can bring energy and, at the same time, serenity. Generally, anywhere other people won’t interrupt may be the best option.

If you choose to practice it at home or in a specialized center, it is important to recreate a harmonious environment. As we mentioned earlier, the room should have little visual and decorating stimuli. It would also be recommended that the walls have soft tones, as well as good ventilation and low light.

Finally, do not forget the special touch that incense can always give. This can help you get in the right mood for yoga. With all this, you will see that this activity is much more enjoyable!

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