The 7 Foods That Every Woman Should Eat To Protect Her Heart

Since women tend to miss certain symptoms more, it is important that they include foods that help to take care of their heart health to avoid complications.

As part of a balanced diet, it is essential to regularly include certain foods that help protect the heart. Especially in the case of women.

Heart disease affects both men and women. However, in the latter it has become a matter of concern, not only because the number of affected has increased, but also because of the difficulties that arise when detecting the conditions.

The most worrying thing is that women take longer to undergo medical check-ups and, although they have particular risk factors, many ignore it, without realizing that they are developing more careful pathologies.

For this reason, it is very important to pay more attention to the issue, and immediately address any irregularities. Likewise, it is essential to improve lifestyle habits, in general.

To this end, we recommend 7 healthy foods that, due to their nutritional properties, help to take care of heart health.Don’t hesitate to include them in your diet more often!

1. Nuts, excellent to protect the heart


Walnuts, almonds and other varieties of nuts are foods that provide essential nutrients for the health of the entire body and also help protect the heart, regulate blood cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries; such as:

  • Amino acids.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Antioxidants that help protect heart health.

Nuts are also useful for regulating tissue inflammation, a factor related to major heart problems.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli has earned a very special place in all healthy eating plans to protect the heart and the health of the rest of the body. Rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, it is one of the ingredients that promote heart and arterial health.

It contains folic acid, zinc and iron, minerals that help maintain good circulation to avoid disorders such as high blood pressure.

Provides vitamins C, E and K, as well as phytonutrients, which strengthen the arteries and heart muscle. Its dietary fiber reduces the absorption of bad cholesterol (LDL) and promotes the expulsion of toxins.

3. Strawberries


Low in calories and rich in antioxidant compounds, strawberries are ideal for heart health care. Its flavonoids help dilate arteries and prevent hardening related to high blood pressure.

They contain fiber and vitamins and minerals that regulate cholesterol levels, preventing disorders such as hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. They help remove toxins from the blood and reduce excess inflammation.

4. Turmeric, an ally to protect the heart

Turmeric is one of the ingredients that every woman should consume to protect the heart and maintain variety in the diet. It stands out for its anti-inflammatory, anticancer and analgesic properties, which have been investigated on various occasions, given its medicinal potential.

Its main active compound, curcumin , decreases inflammation of heart tissues and reduces the risk of heart failure and seizures. This substance, in addition to its powerful antioxidants, helps regulate blood pressure and facilitates cholesterol control.

5. Green tea

Green Tea

Green tea became popular around the world for its slimming properties. However, beyond this, green tea is an antioxidant drink with multiple benefits for cardiovascular health.

It contains catechins, polyphenols and isoflavones that, after being assimilated in the body, improve the functioning of the heart and blood circulation. Its antioxidants help remove lipids that accumulate in the blood, preventing clogging of the arteries.

One of its amino acids, L-theanine, minimizes the impact of oxidative stress, a factor that increases the risk of serious heart disease.

6. Salmon


Both salmon and other varieties of oily fish contain omega 3 fatty acids and proteins of high biological value that help protect the heart and take care of the rest of the heart system. These nutrients promote the control of high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, two factors that are often related to the main cardiovascular diseases.

They regulate inflammatory processes in the body, restoring arterial health so that blood flows smoothly.

It is recommended by the American Heart Association  as a measure to reduce the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes.

7. Olive oil, an ideal ally for the heart

The star ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil, is also one of the best dietary supplements to keep heart disease at bay. Its high content of healthy fats promotes the cleaning of the arteries and, by reducing cholesterol, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.

It helps to increase the elasticity of the arteries, which favors blood circulation and pressure. It fights inflammation and, thanks to its antioxidants and amino acids, strengthens and protects the heart muscle.

Do you eat these foods regularly to protect your heart? If they are not yet part of your diet, make the necessary adjustments (after consulting with your doctor) and start taking advantage of its properties to add years of life.

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