The Benefits Of The Artichoke: The Best Natural Remedy

Although it is known above all for its properties to help us lose weight, the artichoke is also very suitable to control cholesterol and even to promote the purification of toxins

Among the vegetables that are most beneficial for our body, the artichoke has the ability to absorb water from our stomach. In addition, its vegetable fibers help us to calm the appetite and generate a feeling of satiety, promote weight loss and weight loss.

Discover in this article all the benefits of artichoke, the best remedy for multiple ailments.

The artichoke, an ancient food


This tasty vegetable has been widely used in ancient times. It stands out for its flavor and for its contribution of nutrients,  antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, etc.

It was already consumed by the Greeks and Romans. Throughout the Middle Ages, King Henry VII introduced it to England. In the Middle Ages, the artichoke was a very expensive food, for which large amounts of money were paid.

In the market we can find the artichoke in very different forms. They are also sold in capsule form in health food stores. However, if we prefer to take them in their natural form, we should choose those with thick buds and a light green tone. They are the healthiest.

The health benefits

The artichoke stands out for its contribution of vitamins (A, B) and minerals (sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium). Here we highlight its main properties:

Cardiovascular health

  • The artichoke reduces triglycerides in the blood. It is very valuable for fighting cholesterol, as it helps us reduce the bad (LDL) and increases the good (HDL).
  • Due to their advantages when it comes to controlling cholesterol, artichokes are perfect allies to deal with the problems of high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.


  • The artichoke is very effective in treating diseases such as excess uric acid, rheumatism and stone problems in the gallbladder.
  • In addition, the artichoke can be an excellent cleanser to help our body expel the different toxins and substances that it does not need.
  • It also has diuretic properties , which is why it helps us eliminate fluid retention from the body.
  • It is ideal for gout problems, arthritis, liver diseases, circulatory problems and to reduce fat in case of obesity.

Better digestion

  • Among the properties of the artichoke is also the one to relieve heartburn. It is also very suitable for eliminating pain, strain and other discomfort.
  • This vegetable takes care of our stomach and helps it to digest; In addition, it is perfect for eliminating the flow of bile.
  • In the case of constipation and diarrhea, with the artichoke we obtain a great help thanks to its contribution of fibers.
  • As we know, the artichoke is usually common in diets.  Thanks to its vegetable fibers it is ideal to control our appetite, thus giving us a very adequate feeling of satiety.

    How to take artichokes?

    The ideal way to take the artichoke is steamed and cooked. Once made, they can be served with a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar. They are healthy and tasty.

    • To begin with, before cooking, you have to clean them and trim them a bit: the stem and the outer skin.
    • To cook them, they are put in a pot with water and then the juice of 1 or 2 lemons is added.
    • Next, cover the pot and when the water begins to boil, leave it for about 30 or 40 minutes over low heat.

    One of the big problems with boiling artichokes is their rapid oxidation. When you remove the leaves, they quickly turn black. For this reason it is useful to have the lemon on hand and rub them with it.

    It also helps to add a little parsley to the cooking water of the artichoke. Parsley generates a substance that prevents oxidation.

    • Once the indicated time passes, we must remove them from the liquid (which we can reserve) and drain them. Finally, they are ready for consumption.

    We recommend you read: 5 tips to eliminate retained fluids in your body

    Artichoke tea


    Artichoke tea is a very suitable product to promote weight loss. As we have seen, artichoke is often used in diets.

    It has great properties to satisfy the appetite and to eliminate liquids. For this reason, it is positioned as one of the most suitable vegetables for these cases.


    • Some artichoke leaves
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • To start, wash the artichoke leaves well and add them to a pot along with the cup of water.
    • Then bring them to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
    • Finally, after the indicated time, they are removed from the heat, drained and left to rest for 5 more minutes.

    Consumption mode

    • This tea can be consumed in up to three cups a day.
    • To achieve a greater satiating effect, it is advisable to take a cup of artichoke tea 30 minutes before each meal.

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