The Best Tips To Protect Hair From Sun Damage

We love to show off our hair at any time. And that is why we must take care of it throughout the year. For this, it is important to know how to protect hair from sun damage.

Sunbathing with caution is very healthy if we take the necessary steps to combat the negative effect of free radicals. As the hair oxidizes, it becomes straight, loses color and shine. So if you want to show off a healthy mane, we recommend the following tips. Take note!

Risks of not protecting hair

Hair frames our face and reflects our personality. That is why it is important to protect it as much as possible, especially from the negative effect of excessive sun exposure.

People who do not take this into account often complain of hair that is too dry and dull, and the usual  split ends. However, worn hair can be avoided without the need for a cut or expensive hairstyling treatments.

Tips for a perfect mane

1. Tangerine and jojoba oil protector

Tangerines and tangerine essence.

The best way to protect your hair is to prevent damage. And for that we can prepare our own homemade hair protector with two natural ingredients. Jojoba oil nourishes the hair and has a texture similar to that of the sebum itself, so it won’t be too oily. On the other hand, tangerine oil, in addition to its delicious aroma, adds shine and revitalizes the hair fibers. 

Ingredients :

  • 4 tablespoons of jojoba oil (60 ml)
  • 10 drops of pure mandarin essential oil

Elaboration and application:

  • Mix both ingredients.
  • We can put them in a spray bottle. In this case, we also recommend adding ½ glass of water (100 ml) to better distribute the product throughout the hair.
  • We can also keep it in a jar, spread a little in the palm of our hands and spread it over the entire mane as if we were combing our hair with our fingers.

2. A stylish hat

The easiest and most practical way to protect your hair from the sun is to wear a hat, cap, or scarf. Today we can find options for all tastes that, in addition, will give us a different and personal style.

Another alternative is to get under an umbrella whenever possible. Although the sun’s rays also affect, they do so to a much lesser extent. We must also take into account the time: at noon the radiation will be much more intense.

3. Beware of the water

In addition to the sun, we must bear in mind that sea ​​and pool water also damage our capillary health, in many cases even more than the sun. For this reason it is advisable to avoid wetting the hair excessively.

Ideally,  we should rinse our hair with fresh water after bathing,  whenever possible. In this way we will remove excess salt, chlorine or any other substance and avoid further damage.

4. Pre-wash homemade mask

When we return home it is time to prepare a simple homemade mask that we will apply before washing our hair as usual. Our hair will absorb nutrients much better when it is dry.

Ingredients :

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml)

Elaboration and application:

  • Beat and emulsify the three ingredients well. If we want the mask to be lighter to facilitate its application, we can add one or two tablespoons of water.
  • Apply the mask to all dry hair and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash our hair regularly.

pre-wash mask to protect hair

5. A natural hydrating shampoo

Finally, to avoid capillary dehydration caused by exposure to the sun, we should also review what type of shampoo we use. The ideal is to choose one that is natural, made from natural ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut or vegetable and essential oils and extracts.

The components that dry the hair the most are sulfates and alcohol, which are usually among the main ingredients. Reading the label well will help us choose better. In addition, in sunny weather we should buy shampoos for dry or damaged hair.

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