Three Recipes For Mexican Nachos

Mexican nacho recipes give us options that should not be overlooked if we want to enjoy these appetizers in their most authentic form.

Mexican nachos are prepared in different ways and with different ingredients. Milk, corn, beans or meat can be combined to obtain different fillings.

Cooking nachos is simple, fun and opens up a range of flavors for the palate. There are no restrictions on its filling and we can repeat its base by altering the rest of the ingredients and accompaniments.

Next, we will present three of its various versions to prepare at home. It is necessary to remember that it is very typical to accompany nachos with guacamole.

How to prepare homemade nachos or “tortilla chips”

How to prepare the nachos

Before starting any recipe, it is necessary to learn to make the chips on our own. For this, we only need five ingredients:

  • Corn (400 g).
  • Salt (10 g).
  • Water (60 ml).
  • Butter (50 g).
  • Wheat flour (100 g).


  1. For the mixture of flour, corn and salt, it is recommended to use a glass container.
  2. Later the water is added, little by little, while the mixture is being kneaded; We will know that the dough is ready when it is compacted. So it can be easily detached from your fingers.
  3. The dough is then left to rest for a few minutes and placed on a smooth surface to roll out.
  4. Then it only remains to cut the tortilla chips in the shape of a triangle and fry in hot oil.
  5. The last step will be to drain well on kitchen blotting paper, to remove excess fat.

Chips with corn

Chips with corn

This elaboration is one of the most popular. In addition to the nachos, we need the following ingredients:

  • Feta cheese (30 g).
  • Lemon drops (5 ml).
  • Corn (5 g).
  • Mayonnaise (15 g).
  • Sour cream (40 g).
  • Milk or cream (230 mL).
  • Grated cheddar cheese (130 g).
  • Cooked corn (160 g).
  • Butter, salt and black pepper (to taste).


  1. First we sauté the butter in a pan with the corn kernels.
  2. Then the mayonnaise is added.
  3. In another pot, put milk, half a tablespoon of flour and stir slowly to avoid lumps.
  4. When the flour has dissolved properly, add the cheddar cheese and reserve both mixes.
  5. The next thing will be to place all the nachos together on a plate and pour over them the content that is in both pots evenly.
  6. Finally, we add the sour cream, pepper and a few drops of lemon. 
  7. Serve and enjoy these delicious Mexican nachos.

Mexican nachos recipes : with beans or meat

Mexican nachos recipes with beans or meat

For every 200 g of nachos we will require:

  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • Onion (220 g).
  • Coriander (to taste)
  • Green lemon (30 g).
  • Reds (70 g).
  • Jalapeño peppers (20 g).
  • Cheddar cheese (to taste)
  • Beans or meat (200 g).


  1. The first thing is to cut the ingredients that need it: the onion goes into very small square pieces, just like the tomato.
  2. The chilies must also be cut and we will take the opportunity to chop the lemon in two.
  3. After making the cuts, we place the pan and heat.
  4. The first thing we add to the oil are the onion and garlic in the pan.
  5. Next, the tomato and the jalapeño peppers, while they proceed to mix everything.
  6. Once the vegetables are fried, they are poured on top of the nachos.
  7. Remember that the meat and beans must be previously prepared.
  8. On each nacho we will place the vegetable sauce, then the heavy companion and finally the salt, pepper and coriander.
  9. We add a few drops of lemon to give it a Mexican touch.

Nachos with shrimp

Nachos with shrimp

Marine animals go very well with corn tostadas. For this recipe we need the following ingredients:

  • Onion (220 g).
  • Shrimp (600 g).
  • Cheddar cheese (150 g).
  • Italian dressing and pepper (25 g).


  1. The next thing is to heat a pot with oil and put all the ingredients in it. Right there we will cook the shrimp until they are pink.
  2. From here we lower the heat and include the cheese; it may be a good idea to add a little skim milk.
  3. We will place this kind of sauce in a glass bowl and ready to spread each nacho. Despite having marine meat, the preparation is quite simple, fast and exquisite.

It is one of the most tropical Mexican nacho recipes that exists. With it you can make delicious and original nachos. Dare to try them.

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