Tips For Taking Advantage Of Closet Space

Knowing how to take advantage of the space in the closet is necessary because it allows you to maintain order and locate the garments easily and quickly, something that undoubtedly comes in handy every day.

Regardless of the size and capacity of the wardrobe, we can resort to some tricks to keep it well organized always, without making too much effort, even when we are incorporating new parts and accessories.

How can you take advantage of closet space?

Woman organizing wardrobe

Marie Kondo explains that, in order to take advantage of the closet, we must start in the art of decluttering, which can be translated into Spanish as: “ organize, eliminating the unnecessary ”. 

This art is simply to get rid of what we do not need or use for more than a year. The question goes as follows; We take garment by garment and ask ourselves the following:

  • Have we been wearing it in the last few months?
  • How many times have we worn it?
  • Have we kept it out of nostalgia?
  • It’s in good condition? And if you have any wrong details, can we fix it?
  • Then we can put the garment on, look at ourselves in the mirror, and wonder if we still like the way the garment fits.

Based on the answers, we will have to determine whether or not we keep each of the pieces of clothing. The idea is to get rid of a certain amount in order to have free space and thus, better organize the closet.

In the art of decluttering, accumulation without a real reason will always be your nemesis.

Tips for taking advantage of your closet space

1. Use various boxes, baskets and dividers

If we do not have more than a hanging rail and a couple of drawers, the best way to take advantage of the space in the closet is to place certain pieces in boxes (made of fabric, wood, cardboard or plastic).  This will help you create, in a way, those much-needed drawers.

And why not make piles of clothes? Because they tend to come undone easily and are not visually comfortable.

Long drawers can be used if we put boxes and internal dividers, as if it were makeup products. In this way, we will accommodate a greater number of pieces in the same space and in an organized way. These dividers are usually inexpensive and, for those made of fabric or cardboard, they can be moved without any difficulty.

2. Hang only what is necessary

We must avoid resorting to the hangers for everything, since then we will occupy the entire bar and we will stop visualizing the garments well.

Instead, we should try to order and distribute the pieces by size and frequency of use. And most importantly: we should not resort only to traditional hangers. There are also those that are multiple, that have several levels and can be used to place more pieces on the same hanger.

3. Hanging fabric organizers

The best friends of single-bar, shelf-less cabinets are fabric hanging organizers. These are excellent aids when it comes to arranging clothes in an organized way. They come in different sizes (depending on the pieces you want to place) and they don’t take up too much space in the closet. 


4. Also use closet doors and other places

You can also take advantage of the closet doors. In its internal part we can place articles of clothing or accessories (hats, belts, handkerchiefs, scarves, etc.).

However, doors are not our last resort. We can also have a suitcase. In it we can store those clothes that we will not use during the season or the garments of greater size and volume.

Many people also decide to take advantage of the space under their beds. There they put transparent plastic boxes in which they store certain clothes.

Capsule cabinets are another inspiration

These are just a few of the many tricks out there for taking advantage of closet space. Some may be more useful than others, depending on the furniture and even the room.

Another concept that can be helpful is creating capsule cabinets. Have you already seen what it is about and why it is so fashionable lately? If not, start to keep track of it because it offers you a very good source of inspiration.

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