Treatment For Oily Hair

Oily hair is a condition that greatly affects people who suffer from it.  This is because it gives a dirty look that can only be avoided by continual washing, which is also not beneficial for the scalp.

We will review the causes of this excess oil in the hair. We will share some remedies to balance our scalp and eliminate excess oil without drying it out.

For this purpose we will use natural products and we will learn to do without conventional shampoo.

Avoid greasy hair with proper nutrition



Whenever we want to deal with a physical issue, it is necessary to first review our internal health. In this case,  our diet, since it influences many bodily aspects.

Next, the hair is showing us that a large part of the fat we eat is possibly not being assimilated well.

  • Therefore, instead of nourishing other parts of the body, our body is trying to expel that fat through the scalp.

Therefore, we recommend reducing harmful fats from the diet and increasing healthy fats instead. With this we will ensure that we do not lack nutrients.

Among the harmful fats or those that should not be abused are:

  • Red meats and sausages.
  • Margarine.
  • Hydrogenated or trans fats.
  • Fried
  • Whole dairy.
  • Industrial pastries.

But there are also beneficial fats. These include:

  • Vegetable oils extracted from a first cold pressing, such as olive, sesame or flax oil.
  • Nuts, which also contain a lot of fiber and many minerals.
  • Yolk.
  • Blue Fish.
  • The avocado, a very nutritious and very healthy fruit. In addition, we recommend also consuming its seed, which will help us better assimilate its fat content.

    cottonseedoil oils

    The relationship with the liver

    The digestion of fats is directly related to the liver.  An organ that according to traditional Chinese medicine also directly influences hair health.

    That is why we recommend that you take care of it  with one of these simple and natural remedies:

    • Drink bitter infusions before going to bed : boldo, milk thistle, dandelion, artichoke, etc.
    • Sleep with a hot water bottle on top of the ribs on the right side.
    • Make light dinners.
    • Avoid alcohol.

    Shampoos and styling products

    The problem with oily hair shampoos is that they are very aggressive and also remove the natural sebum from the scalp. For this reason, we  recommend preferably using mild and ecological shampoos, made with natural ingredients:

    • Essential oils.
    • Saponaria.
    • Coconut.
    • Aloe vera, etc.

    In addition, if what we have greasy is only the scalp and, instead, the ends of the hair are dry, we must be very careful with the shampoo, since if we do not do it, all the hair will dry out much more.

    • We must always hydrate the tips well.

    On the other hand, hair styling products such as gummies, gels, foams, among others, make hair very dirty and greasy, so we should avoid them as much as possible.

    The ghassoul

    The ghassoul or rhassoul is a clay that Arab women use to wash their hair. Although it may seem strange, the truth is that it cleanses the scalp in depth without damaging it. It is because it has a great absorbent power, regulating natural sebum whether we have it dry or if we have it oily.

    • Although there are some ghassoul shampoos, the truth is that we can also get it natural.
    • In the form of hard pieces of clay that we will mix with a little hot water to create a homogeneous paste.
    • When it is warm, we will use it the same as the shampoo.
    • Let it act for a minute and rinse well with water.
    • The result is very clean hair.

    In addition, with its regular use, we will notice that the hair is kept clean for longer and longer, and we will not have to wash it every day.

    ghassoul Henna Sooq


    Sodium bicarbonate is a product with multiple uses for health and beauty and,  in the case of oily hair, it is also very useful thanks to its degreasing and cleansing power.

    • We will wash our hair with baking soda and later we will use apple cider vinegar as a conditioner.

    People with dry hair feel that with this natural shampoo their hair becomes too dry, and that is why it is the ideal option for those who have oily hair.

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