Triple Positive Breast Cancer

When we talk about triple positive breast cancer we are referring to that it is a type of cancer that tests positive for a protein known as HER2. This protein is responsible for promoting the growth of cancer cells.

The good thing about triple positive breast cancer is that it can be treated with specific medication targeting that HER2 protein. The prognoses are usually good and the efficiency is high.

HER2 protein

Patient in breast cancer consultation

As we have mentioned, the HER2 protein in triple positive breast cancer favors the growth of cancer cells in the breasts. When these cells have a very high level of the HER2 protein, it is considered positive. That is why we speak of triple positive breast cancer.

But you may be wondering why it is rated triple. The answer is that when a woman is tested for breast cancer, it determines the level of HER2 protein she has.

The analysis performed to detect the level of protein in the breasts is called immunohistochemical (IHC) and the results it can provide can be of 3 types:

  • If the result it gives us is “0” or “1+” it is considered negative.
  • In the event that the result is “2+” it is considered ambiguous.
  • If the result is “3+” it is considered a triple positive result .

Also, other types of analysis will be performed such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), chromogenic in situ hybridization with subtraction probe technology (CISH) or in situ hybridization (ISH). In all these cases, if there is an increase in the HER2 protein, the result that will be given will be positive.

It is important to note that tests for this type of protein are not usually routine. Therefore, expressly asking your doctor or suggesting it in the event that there is a possibility of breast cancer can make a difference when you act against it.

Remember that a 3+ result, triple positive breast cancer, makes us know where to direct our goals to face it. The HER2 protein and drugs designed to address it will be key to a change from the initial diagnosis.

Triple Positive Breast Cancer and How to Treat It

Breast x-ray examination

A study published on June 7, 2010, and the results of which were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), shed some light on triple-positive breast cancer.

In it, it was stated that cancers that test positive can turn into a negative result and vice versa. In fact, in that study it was collected that up to 13.9% of the cancers that were studied suffered a change in their status:

  • 31.5% of triple positive breast cancers became negative after adequate treatment.
  • 5.9% of negative breast cancers became positive. This, surely, was due to the fact that the treatment was not directed at the HER2 protein.

Treatments for triple positive breast cancer

We have seen how, in the aforementioned study, those cancers whose treatment was not directed to the protein that we mentioned at the beginning, became positive over time. This indicates that knowing if this protein is involved is very necessary to guarantee a favorable result in the treatment process.

Hormonal treatments are used for triple positive breast cancer , but also drugs that are expressly directed towards this HER2 protein. However, the possibility of surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy should not be ruled out.

In the event that hormonal treatment is provided, it can be oral or intramuscular. On the other hand, if medicines destined for the HER2 protein are supplied, we can find some of these names: herceptin, tykerb, perjeta or kadcyla.

If a person has a diagnosis of triple positive breast cancer and after proper treatment it appears or spreads, it is very important to redo the necessary tests to evaluate the HER2 protein.

This protein is the key to this type of breast cancer. Its early detection will augur an effective treatment that will fight triple positive breast cancer. In the event that, as the study we are talking about, it turns into a negative breast cancer, then the process that must be followed will be totally different.

  • Vici, P., Pizzuti, L., Natoli, C., Gamucci, T., Di Lauro, L., Barba, M.,… Marchetti, P. (2015). Triple positive breast cancer: A distinct subtype? Cancer Treatment Reviews.
  • Iancu, G., Vasile, D., Iancu, RC, & Daviţoiu, DV (2017). “Triple positive” breast cancer – a novel category? Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology.
  • Kim JS, Kim YS, You SH. Triple positive breast cancer; a distictive subtype and consideration of systemic therapeutic approach [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 2017 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; 2017 Dec 5-9; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2018; 78 (4 Suppl): Abstract nr P1-13-14.


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