Vegetable Fibers And Their Benefits In Diet

You have surely heard that vegetable fibers help you reduce cholesterol levels, constipation and other diseases. Find out more about the topic.

We have all heard that we should consume plant fibers regularly, but do you know what its benefits are? We are sure that they are not entirely clear. This is because they are not always clearly mentioned, even though your doctor recommends eating it frequently.

You may have heard that vegetable fibers help you reduce cholesterol levels , constipation and other diseases. However, its benefits go much further and here we will tell you about it. You will see that there are good reasons to include them in your diet.

What are vegetable fibers?

Fibers are indigestible carbohydrates found in plant foods : fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Fibers are classified into two large groups according to the ease with which they dissolve in water:

  • Soluble fiber. This dissolves very easily in water and is processed by bacteria in the intestine.
  • Insoluble fiber . It does not dissolve in water. Its benefit is that it facilitates intestinal transit and helps clean your digestive system. In addition, it keeps you satiated with less food and in less time.

    Taking this into account, it is time to talk about the benefits of plant fibers.

    Fiber creates the perfect environment for gut bacteria

    Regulate bacteria in the gut

    The intestine is home to about 500 different species of bacteria. This guy is called intestinal flora . The issue with the intestinal flora is that these bacteria are key to keeping the body healthy.

    This is because these bacteria synthesize food, prevent some harmful elements from affecting the body and act as prebiotics . So by consuming the right amount of fiber, they eat and reduces the risks from:

    • Increase blood glucose.
    • Reduce excess weight.
    • Improves the immune function of the body.
    • Improves brain health.

      This is evidenced by a study published in the Lancet . However, it is important that you do not overdo it with vegetable fibers. When you consume too much fiber, fermentation occurs. This is the reason why gas and stomach pain appear.

      You will lose weight

      In case you are dealing with a few extra pounds, your doctor or nutritionist may mention the need to consume more plant fibers. This is because fiber makes you feel satiated with less food, according to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

      In addition, slows the rate at which fat is absorbed by the body and can facilitate its elimination . The recommendation is that in addition to increasing your fiber intake, you include a daily sports session and adequate water consumption.

      With the help of these two elements, the intestinal bacteria will be able to delay the absorption of fat and you will eliminate said fat.

      Lose weight.

      Facilitates intestinal cleansing

      Vegetable fiber also helps you eliminate toxins accumulated in the stomach . The digestive process has the function of synthesizing food so that the body takes advantage of the nutrients.

      Then, the non-useful or unused elements are discarded by the body. However, when you do not eat healthy, this can be really complicated and constipation problems begin.

      When you add insoluble fiber, it makes cleaning easier. The only thing you need is to consume enough water. It is possible that if you now have a bad diet, With a minimum consumption of fiber, in just a few weeks you will see the benefits if you incorporate it into your diet.

      Lowers LDL cholesterol levels

      Cholesterol levels

      Vegetable fibers reduce negative cholesterol levels in the blood . This effect was demonstrated in a study in which effects were found on the following parameters:

      • The amount of cholesterol in the blood.
      • Triglycerides.
      • Systolic pressure.

      How to include more vegetable fibers?

      The healthiest and most effective way to include fiber in your diet is by directly consuming vegetables. Some rules that will make your task easier are:

      • Eat two sources of fiber with each meal ( breakfast , lunch, dinner and snacks). Remember that you can combine several sources of fiber.
      • Make sure that the products prepared with flours of your choice are whole-grain flours.
      • Take advantage of cravings to add fiber . You can change the sweets for fruits or the craving for fried foods for some homemade popcorn.

      Eat fiber to improve health

      The regular consumption of fiber has many benefits for the human body. It will help you to facilitate digestion and improve the composition of the intestinal microbiota. It must be introduced into the diet to avoid, in this way, that constipation appears.

      There are many products that contain fiber. Plant-based foods are usually a good source of it. This is one of the reasons why its presence in the diet is promoted.

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