What Are Labor Contractions Like?

Labor contractions are one of the most anticipated signs for pregnant women whose due date is near.

The changes in the body of a woman, when the birth of a child approaches, generate many doubts related to the beginning of labor: the expulsion of the mucous plug, the expulsion of a liquid vaginal discharge, the “lowering of the abdomen”, minor perception of fetal movements, …

But without a doubt, the sign that generates the most doubts and which women most eagerly await are contractions. These when they fulfill certain aspects can cause the triggering of labor, but … can we identify it?

In this article we want to show you some differences in contractions in recent weeks so that you can act in the most appropriate way.

Prodrome of labor or false labor

woman with contractions

In order to know if labor contractions have appeared, the first thing is to know what they are. Contractions, as the name suggests, are contractures of the uterine muscle or myometrium. These contractures exert a force from the upper part of the uterus and direct the baby towards the lower part, where the cervix or cervix is ​​located.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is common to perceive changes and symptoms that will favor the delivery process. One of the most prominent symptoms is the appearance of the famous contractions. But not all contractions are related to the phases of dilation, labor and delivery of the baby.

The body needs to prepare before and it does so progressively, especially when it is the first birth. Thus, the contractions that are felt during the prodrome phase of labor or false labor have irregularity as their main characteristic.

It is very common that in the last stage of pregnancy doubts arise when you begin to feel that the abdomen hardens at certain times of the day and, on some occasions, cramps or menstrual pain are perceived. These annoyances usually create a certain alarm, which leads to exhaustively control the signs that appear.

What should I do if I have prodrome of labor?

benefits of prenatal massage

As the main characteristic of this phase of pregnancy, the discomfort usually disappears when changing posture or reducing physical activity. There are certain behaviors that can reduce the degree of perceived discomfort and promote well-being.

  • Baths or hot showers. The water temperature does not need to be very high. Each woman will set the graduation of the temperature she needs, having to perceive a pleasant temperature.
  • Use Fitball for back and hip stretching. It is necessary to sit on this ball with the legs at angles of 90º in relation to the thigh and an angle of approximately 180º of opening the legs. Thus, lateral, circular and front to back movements will be carried out.
  • Low back massages. To carry out these, the collaboration of a family member or friend who exercises circular massages is required, using a little natural oil, such as almonds, calendula or Aloe vera.

Identify labor contractions

As labor contractions progress in time and increase in intensity, the force they exert on the cervix will cause it to dilate, this will favor the appearance of symptoms of labor with the consequent descent of the baby and its birth.

To know if the signs you have are labor contractions and differentiate it from false labor, you have to know some specific characteristics

  • The regularity. Labor contractions should be regular in frequency and intensity. A sustained rhythm is required over time to be able to identify that the birthing process is beginning. It must be ensured that there is such regularity in a minimum time of one hour.
  • Duration. Each contraction should last one minute from its onset to its disappearance.
  • Perception. All contractions are perceived in one way or another by women. They do not go unnoticed. Pain is not the prominent sign because it is a subjective factor.

What should I do if I have labor contractions

Woman in labor

  • Keep calm.
  • Check the characteristics of the contractions with a watch.
  • If fetal movements are detected, it should bring serenity.
  • Notify a family member to accompany you.
  • Take the basket, suitcase and pregnancy monitoring history.
  • Go to the maternal and child emergency service of the hospital where you have decided to be treated.

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