What Is Pineapple Bromelain And What Is It For?

The bromelain contained in pineapple is one of the compounds with nutritional properties that generates interest in it. It is one of the most consumed exotic fruits worldwide. Originally from hot climates, it has spread to 5 continents.

This substance, bromelain, is nothing more than a set of enzymes capable of exerting functions on digestion. Pineapple owes much of its properties to this element. For this reason, below we are going to tell you in detail what are the benefits of its intake and how we can take advantage of its potential.

Bromelain in pineapple: a proteolytic enzyme

As we mentioned, bromelain is a set of digestive enzymes that have the ability to break down proteins into the amino acids that make them up. According to research published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , it is a substance that is marketed in isolation, due to its properties.

It is used to avoid digestive discomfort typical of large meals. This enzyme has proven to be useful in improving the metabolism of nutrients, making the process more bearable. In addition, it has another series of secondary functions, among which the following stand out:

  • Anti-inflammatory .
  • Painkiller
  • Antithrombotic.

There is even research that affirms that pineapple bromelain could exert a regulatory function on the immune system, improving its functioning. This would be helpful in preventing infections or communicable diseases.

As science progresses, properties and applications of the substance continue to be discovered. However, more scientific trials are needed to precisely delineate the application frameworks, in addition to systematizing its dosing protocol. Currently, the best way for us to benefit from the enzyme is through the consumption of pineapple.


What is your current application framework?

Bromelain can be consumed after a heavy intake to reduce digestive problems or stomach heaviness. For this reason, pineapple is recommended after meals, in order to facilitate the digestive function of the body.

In addition, the water content of the fruit will help make the process of decomposition of nutrients more bearable, reducing the risk of suffering from pain. Hydration prevents clinical pictures of constipation, for example, especially in patients with neurological pathologies.

Since bromelain supplements are not yet common on the market, it is optimal to use pineapple as such. It is always necessary to avoid its presentation in syrup, since in this way it would present a much higher sugar content, which can be harmful to health.

Side effects of bromelain

Although taking bromelain is almost always beneficial, its excessive consumption leads to the appearance of certain side effects. The most common are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypersensitivity reactions. However, this is not common.

In addition, bromelain can interact with anticoagulants, so it is necessary to consult your doctor about the possibility of consuming pineapple if you are being treated with drugs of this type. It can also increase the effects of antibiotics, acting synergistically with them.

Other foods that promote digestion

Bromelain is characteristic of pineapple, but it is possible to find other digestive enzymes in different foods. An example would be papaya, rich in proteases, which help break down proteins. Mango is another fruit that contains a significant amount of enzymes; in this case, amylases.

Other foods, such as avocado or kiwi, have compounds that help facilitate digestive processes, thus reducing the discomforts associated with intestinal transit. Regular consumption of these fruits is associated with a decrease in constipation.

Pineapple fruit cut on a table.

Bromelain from pineapple to facilitate digestive function

As you have seen, bromelain is a substance that helps improve digestive processes. For this reason , it is recommended to eat it after a copious meal. In parallel, it has anti-inflammatory functions, which is why it helps prevent the appearance of complex diseases related to systemic inflammation.

The best method that exists to guarantee its consumption is the presence of pineapple in the diet. However, supplements of this enzyme are currently being developed, given the new properties that are being attributed to it.

It is a safe substance, since it has few side effects. In spite of everything, it must be taken into account that it can interact with some drugs, so it is necessary to consult a specialist in case of doubt.

If you experience frequent digestive problems, we recommend consuming natural pineapple after meals. In this way, the ailments may begin to diminish.

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