What Supplements Should We Take At Each Time To Raise Our Defenses

To be healthy we need to protect our immune system, since it is our defense against viruses, toxins and bacteria. For this, there are natural supplements that will help you prevent and increase your defenses.

In each season of the year we should have the good habit of taking some natural supplements. This way we help to raise the defenses and prevent the most common disorders at that time.

In this way, we would save ourselves later on having to fight diseases with stronger drugs. We would also avoid suffering the symptoms for longer periods.

In this article we recommend which are the most suitable natural supplements for each season.

Raise defenses or heal later

Natural remedies to increase defenses

Natural medicine teaches us the great benefits of prevention rather than cure. That is, to raise the defenses and strengthen the immune system. Thus, our body will be prepared to face any pathogen, be it viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites.

Each person knows what their health weaknesses are. It is also known which are the disorders that most people suffer more commonly at each time of the year. With that, we have a great help to start preventing earlier.

Unlike conventional medicine, natural medicine does offer us a wide variety of medicinal supplements that we can take before getting sick.

When and how are supplements taken?

How vitamins work

Although each supplement has its specifications, most usually have doses to treat diseases and lower doses as maintenance. The latter would be the most appropriate to take as a preventive measure, unless we are already suffering from the first symptoms.

Ideally, start taking the supplement at least two weeks before the change of season. If the weather is already changing, we can start even earlier.

We will take the remedies for three or four weeks. If we already have some symptoms, we can repeat the preventive treatment.

Supplements for each season

Below we review the best supplements for each time of year.


Benefits and things to know about pennyroyal

When winter approaches, we must focus on raising our defenses, especially to prevent flu, colds and any disorder of the respiratory system. It is also very convenient to take supplements with cleansing properties. These can help us eliminate the toxins that accumulate in the body progressively.

These are the best remedies for winter:

  • Propolis:  It is the best natural antibiotic. As maintenance we will take 5 drops 3 times a day. If we started to get sick we could take 5 drops every hour.
  • Garlic:  It is also a very powerful natural antibiotic. We can take it raw or in capsules, if it is difficult for us to digest it.
  • Algae:  They are very remineralizing and cleansing foods. They are taken combined with stews or as a supplement.
  • Lemon:  One of the most beneficial fruits to raise the defenses and eliminate toxins, especially if we consume its peel (as long as the lemon is organic).


“Spring is coming and the blood is altered” , the saying goes. Allergies appear, asthenia, hair falls out, etc. For this reason we recommend two supplements that we can combine and take every day in the morning:

  • Pollen:  Bee pollen is a superfood that provides great energy, boosts the immune system, regulates metabolism and prevents anemia.
  • Wheat germ: It is rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Increases vitality and improves hair and skin health.


Juices to detoxify the body

Summer is the only season of the year when we do not need to take supplements to prevent diseases, since we have at our disposal a wide variety of fruits that contain everything we need.

At this time we should take homemade juices and smoothies with seasonal fruits and vegetables, as they will provide us with vitamins, minerals, water and fiber. In this way we will provide our body with a much-needed cleaning to face autumn.



In autumn the defenses are weakened because the change in temperature is combined with the return to the routine. It requires adaptation in many ways. For this reason, we recommend taking these two supplements from late summer:

  • Brewer’s yeast: It provides us with a large amount of nutrients and that improves our appearance in a very visible way.
  • Vitamin C : One of the best vitamins that we should always take to prevent diseases and improve the health of the organs.

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