Why You Should Never Snap Your Fingers

Although the data in this regard is contradictory, snapping your fingers can cause joint wear and tear and inflammatory problems, so it is advisable to reduce this practice as much as possible

Snapping the fingers is a custom that thousands of people have and that, apparently, generates a sensation of pleasure.

It is estimated that between  25 and 50% of the population has done it at some time in their life. Thus, it is more common in men than in women.

Although at first it does not represent any risk and decreases the tension, over time it can cause wear and tear on the joints and various types of ailments.

This is even more serious when practiced forcefully and continuously. There are times when it is done to the point of feeling anxiety when it is not possible to obtain the particular sound.

Everything indicates that its practice increases the spillage of the natural lubricant that protects the cartilage of the joints. This leads to inflammation and deterioration.

Many do not recognize its consequences and ignore that, in the long term, it can influence the appearance of several conditions.

For this reason, below we want to review what happens when carrying out this action.

Consequences of snapping your fingers

joint stiffness

The joints are that point where the bones meet. In these there is an area called the joint capsule. This capsule is what provides protection through a lubricant called synovial fluid.

This substance is what allows the proper movement of the joint. In addition, it prevents the bones from wearing out and rubbing against each other.

The noise that is generated when the fingers are snapped is produced by some bubbles that are inside this liquid. This indicates that the space inside your capsule is being expanded.

When actuated with force, the bones are separated as far as possible. Little by little, joint wear is generated that can lead to more serious disorders.

Although there is still a lack of scientific evidence to prove it, some physical therapists and health experts believe that in the long term, it deteriorates cartilage and can lead to arthritis, joint instability and soft tissue damage.

However, it is a situation that generates controversy because, while some studies have not yielded significant data, others suggest, for example, that it increases inflammation in the hands.

How to stop snapping your fingers?

The habit of snapping fingers is related to the decrease in tension among those who practice it regularly.

On the other hand, there are those who consider it as a nervous disorder because it is difficult to quit.

However, considering that it can be harmful, it is good to know some recommendations to avoid it as much as possible.

Be aware of your habit

Be aware of your habit

Since the practice of finger snapping can become a disorder, it is by definition subconscious.

Consequently, many times the person does not even realize that he is doing it on a recurring basis.

Therefore, in order to stop doing it, it is important that you are aware of the action and take the necessary measures to reduce it.

Keep your hands busy

Instead of snapping your fingers, choose to do an activity that keeps your hands busy, but without causing negative effects.

For example, you can learn to spin a pencil between your fingers, or you can roll a coin around your knuckles.

These types of exercises are very useful for people of all ages and, if that were not enough, they are ideal for improving mental skills, coordination and concentration.

Distract yourself with a new hobby


Activities such as drawing, writing, painting and the like are ideal to occupy the hands and mind in something healthier.

Use a rubber band

One of the behavioral methods to overcome this and other nervous disorders is to put a rubber band around the wrist.

Once you feel the desire to snap your fingers, pull the rubber and release it so that it hits the skin.

That little twinge will gradually diminish the habit until the subconscious associates the habit of snapping the fingers with pain.

Avoid stress and worry


A large percentage of individuals who have this habit are subjected to high levels of stress and anxiety.

In general, it  increases when there is some kind of concern or a difficult work or personal moment is experienced.

Because of this it is important to seek relaxation methods and avoid continuous exposure to the situations that cause it.

In conclusion, although the negative effects of this habit are not scientifically proven, the ideal thing is to try to avoid it so as not to run any type of risk.

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