Yerba Mate Helps To Lose Weight

Yerba mate has diuretic properties, so it can help hydrate and expel retained fluids. Plus, it could support weight loss.

Yerba mate ( Ilex paraguariensis) is a plant with whose leaves and branches some very typical drinks are prepared from countries such as: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and some areas of Brazil. These drinks are known as “mate”, “tereré” and “mate cocido” (infusion).

Formerly, the drink with yerba mate was known as “Jesuit tea” or “Paraguayan tea”.

When this drink is consumed without adding sugar or accompanied by cookies or cakes, it can help you lose weight. How? Find out below.

Yerba mate and its properties

This bitter tasting herbal infusion consumed in South America is famous for the many health benefits attributed to its consumption. As its name implies, it is prepared with the dried and ground leaves  of yerba mate, a plant that grows in mountainous or jungle areas.

Some people sweeten the drink with sugar, honey, or sweeteners. However, it is said that ” true mate” does not contain any element other than yerba and hot water.

Mate is drunk with a light bulb and a container (which bears the same name as the herb) and in summer it can also be drunk cold (for example, mixed with orange juice). It is recommended to consume after eating.

Among the main properties of this drink we can highlight the following that we are going to comment on below.

1. It would help speed up the metabolism

It is dangerous to lose weight too fast

Due to its caffeine content, this drink could help accelerate metabolism. In relation to this point, in a study the following was taken into account:

In the popular sphere, it is often said that the yerba mate drink helps burn more calories and, therefore, helps you lose weight more quickly. It is also said that it would be able to speed up digestion, which is interesting.

Also, it used to be said that it contained “mateine”, which was supposedly a stimulant substance similar to caffeine, but this was proven to be nothing more than a myth.

2. It is calming

Although it shares some properties with coffee, the truth is that drinking this herb relaxes and calms the emotions due to its content of theobromine and theophylline, two of its most significant components.

3. It’s satiating

By filling the stomach with liquid, it would help alleviate the anxiety to eat. However, we must bear in mind that it is not a substitute for food, since it does not provide all the necessary nutrients.

  • It would be a good idea to have a cup in the middle of the morning so as not to “attack” a package of cookies or a tray full of pastries.
  • Yerba mate slows gastric emptying and prolongs the feeling of satiety.

4. It is an antioxidant

Due to its antioxidant content, it is said that yerba mate would help combat oxidative stress, and this generally improves the health of the entire organism. Therefore, even the skin can look healthier.

5. It is anti-inflammatory

Being a hydrating liquid that promotes urination, the yerba mate drink has a diuretic effect that helps eliminate retained fluids and, consequently, inflammation. 

6. It is diuretic

As we already mentioned, the drink with yerba mate can have a certain diuretic effect, which will increase the frequency of urination. This is not only great for fighting fluid retention, but also helping the kidneys to expel grit or stones (if any).

More properties of yerba mate

This herb is increasingly famous because other interesting benefits are attributed to it, such as, for example, the ability to restrict the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. This allows you to keep energy levels high and increase the burning of fat and calories.

Likewise, it is said that when drunk with theophylline and theobromine, the herb dilates the bronchi and facilitates the oxygenation of the blood. 

Contraindications of yerba mate

Although moderate consumption of yerba mate reduces mental and physical fatigue, drinking excessively can cause insomnia, hyperactivity and concentration problems, due to its caffeine content.

On the other hand, the astringency and tannins in mate can cause stomach discomfort, such as heartburn, or changes in bowel movements.

How to consume yerba mate?

Yerba mate drink.

Now that you know what the benefits of yerba mate are, the next thing is to learn how to enjoy it in a delicious drink. We give you some options below.

Traditional way

This is how it is taken in South America. You need a container and a light bulb (the famous “zucchini”).

  • Put the raw yerba in the bottom of the container.
  • Besides, put the water to heat (do not let it come to a boil).
  • Pour it into the container, over the yerba.
  • Let rest for a few minutes. 
  • Drink in moderation.


You can also prepare an infusion, filtering the herb or using it in already prepared bags.


  • 250 ml of water (1 cup).
  • 10 g of yerba mate (1 tablespoon).


  • Heat the water until it comes to a boil.
  • Pour it into a mug and add the yerba mate.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes and filter it if necessary.
  • Drink it as hot as possible. You can sweeten it to taste, with honey or stevia. Although the ideal would be to enjoy it without any type of sweetener.

Mate water

It is common to take it in a bottle to drink it cold and take advantage of the virtues similar to those of green tea.


  • 1 l of water.
  • Ice cubes.
  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 40 g of yerba mate (4 tablespoons).
  • Fresh mint or spearmint leaves (to taste).


  • Heat the water and, when it boils, remove it from the heat.
  • Pour it into a jug, add the yerba mate and let it rest for a few minutes.
  • Filter it and add the lemon juice.
  • Add the mint leaves and ice cubes.

Smoothies or smoothies

  • You can use yerba mate infusion as a base to prepare smoothies or fruit juices.
  • Remember that if you prefer sweet flavors, you can choose papaya, bananas and other similar fruits, since they contain a natural sweetness. By using them, you will avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners later.

Well, do you know how you are going to enjoy your yerba mate? Remember to maintain a moderate consumption – always within a healthy lifestyle – to be able to take advantage of all its benefits.

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